Make Up Extremely Emotional Moments

I had a thread on my old account about this, but here's my new one. Warning: the following thread contains large amounts if da feels. If you can not handle the feels, please see a doctor before reading: here's mine:

The remaining group is Clementine, Carley, Molly, Kenny, Luke, Christa, Vince, Shel, Nick, and Sarah. Carver and Clem are in a room together. Carver has a gun to Clem's head. Carver gives a speech about how Clementine ruined everything. The walkers are coming in, Carver begs Clem to kill him. Clem thinks back to the St. John Dairy with Danny. Lee didn't kill him, and Clem won't either. She begins to walk away when Carver lunges at her with a knife stabbing her through a vital organ. Just as that happens Carley and co rush in the room and shoot Carver who dies with a grin on his face. Carley and the rest rush over to Clem and take her outside. Carley keeps saying that she won't let Clem die like Lee. Clem smiles and says: "Don't be sad, I can die now. I'm ready. Lee, my parents, Omid, Pete, Carlos, Doug. They're all waiting for me." Of course the group is bawling. Everyone says their last words to Clem.

Carley: Clem, your like a daughter to me. I love you. I will never forget you. Tell Lee and the rest I miss them.

Molly: Kid, you make me look like a wimp. You were the ultimate badass.

Kenny: Lee would have been proud of you. Say hi to Duck for me.

Luke: (he can't say anything. He just hugs her and starts to cry)

Christa: I want you to know I don't blame you for Omid. I never did. He cared for you and so do I. Say hi for me.

Vince: (they haven't met yet)

Shel: (they haven't met yet)

Nick: Say hi to my uncle.

Sarah: you were the best friend I ever had. I'll miss you.

She then under her breath hums "Take Us Back" and closes her eyes. The group buries her, each putting dirt on top of her. They have a funeral and lay a flower on top of the grave. The snow pours down heavily as the group walks away. A raven lands on top of the grave as rays of sun shine through the blizzard.


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