Official shame on you...telltale thread.
This thread isn't to insult Telltale. Its made to show all inconsistences, plot holes, glitches, lazy animation, more glitches, loops and zombie reuse. You can type, use gifs, images, videos, anything. I won't be able to post any pics or vids, because I'm on my mobile right now. So I'll just talk about the inconsistences:
Katjaa killed herself out of nowwhere, although she showed that she was one of the most rational people in the whole group. She didn't even cry when her child was dying.
Kenny got lucky.
Why didn't Maggie come out of the house, when her brother was being eaten alive. Katjaa came out.
In A house divided why was the turbione left on. I mean, they lived there for a long time. Wouldn't they think that leaving the Turbione on would make noise.
In A New Day. Clementine calls Lee daddy, but she already heard him outside and even saw while he was at the police car.
Clementine's parents come together at the same time, as walkers.
Carver seems to ignore the fact that Luke is gone and even if Luke was a traitor, why would he ask where he is in the first place and then completely ignore it. It sort of goes against his character a little bit.
NOTE: This thread shouldn't be taken seriously.
number three = WHAT?
I'm confused are you nit-picking as a joke or what as half of these can easily be explained.
I'm confused are you nit-picking as a joke or what as half of these can easily be explained.
In episode 1 when Shawn was attacked his sister Maggie never came out to see what was going on and for that matter where was the rest of the family?
As a joke.
Another one: in episode 3 Clem easily climbs the ladder to the bridge but in episode 2 season 2 she has trouble climbing a tiny ladder
For number 3 it was because they didnt want to clutter more characters that wouldnt matter. In reality Maggie, Lacey,Arnold, Billy, Rachel, Susie and also likely Patricia and Otis should have been seen but they wernt.
Still, doesn't change the fact its a inconsistensy.