Yeah, and in my original no takesies backsies playthough I was really loyal to Kenny, and nobody understood why I had a big ol smile on my face the whole week after that.
The whole cabin scene had me sitting on pins and needles, but when Carver beat Clementine to the seek knife...let's just say Clmentine wasn't the only one who jumped a little bit. Well played, George.
I thought Clem was going to have a nice little dog friend that would later die protecting us a la I Am Legend. But this is TWDG. #1 has to go to Omid's death.
Yeah I still don't like Kenny but I was crying at his return just as much as I did at his death
Seeing Omid die.
Carley's death. Omid's death. Sam's in his berseker mod.
Yeah, and in my original no takesies backsies playthough I was really loyal to Kenny, and nobody understood why I had a big ol smile on my face the whole week after that.
Oke he and I talked and I'm not happy.
"Run, run, RUN!!!"
I saw your discussion with him.Don't worry about it man,you won't get banned.
you always make my happy mister Toad.
God, I'm so happy that I'm not the only one who feels that way.
As am I.
I thought Clem was going to have a nice little dog friend that would later die protecting us a la I Am Legend. But this is TWDG. #1 has to go to Omid's death.