As far as we know Carver is a really bad dude. If that many people leave the group at once then something is up. He's pretty sketchy but we all have our own opinions
Why do we have to take out Carver? Yes, he killed walt but we don't really know why the group left the camp maybe it was because they did something bad
I think I would want to get to know more about his background with the other characters to see who he is on worst terms with, but I think if… more it is Clementine, it would be cool if there was choice involved. It could be like with the St. John's, and you have the upper hand, or it could be like with the dog in episode 1, where he is being devoured by walkers and you choose whether to let him die like that or kill him out of mercy. Either way, I can't wait to see how this whole episode pans out.
I think that would be the best choice for Telltale because it gives the player more freedom, rather than playing basically the same thing as everyone else.
I dont think she should kill him directly... Carver is surrounded by thousands of Walkers.. He begs for mercy.
1: Toss him a gun with one… more bullet so he can take himself out and then get out of there
2: Keep the gun and leave to let him suffer from walkers.
In episode 3 of season 1, if Lee doesn't fight back Kenny beats the shit out of him, he could do that to Carver. He most likely restrained from hurting Lee because friendship and train buddies while Carver is neither of those.
Sure it can, one downfall though, it is a very highly destructive weapon. So everywhere you take it and use it, most likely the place will get demolished. So unless you don't mind that, haha.
as clementine is only a child,she'll probably just gonna have an option to convince someone to kill him or not,probably luke will be the one handling carver
I want a moral choice for this.
A horde has broken into the camp, and they've grabbed Carver through a fence or some steel bars and he's … morestruggling. Clementine and maybe some others are the only people there. Clementine has the choice to pull him out, or kick him back, sending his back, neck, and shoulders to the walkers.
I want to see Carver get killed by a walker, preferably a walker of someone who he killed. It would be sweet poetic justice for him.
If I had to pick a character to take him out, I would choose Sarah. It would be interested to see what led up to it - was Carver trying to kill Carlos/Clem/someone, was it by accident, did she lose her marbles. And the aftermath - how did it affect her, did it change her for the better, did she lose it after that, how did the other characters react to it.
I'm not sure. I kind of want someone to kill him indirectly, i.e, the group climbs up into a room above, with Carver chasing them. Walkers fill the room, and Carver begs for help. That could be the final choice of Season 2 - help Carver or reject Carver.
I think it should be Luke. He seems to have taken a big hero role in the game so far. I don't know why people don't like him, he is so nice and caring to Clementine, apart from locking her in a shed and dropping her but after that he showed kindness to Clem and remorse for his past actions. Carver is gonna take a lot away from Luke this season so he should do the deed.
Other candidates would be Kenny, Rebecca and Carlos. But I think it's going to be Luke and not just for the things I listed above but also because it seems like Telltale are putting a lot into his character. It's like they really want us to like him.
After the great showdown between Carver and Clementine, Clementine finally takes the upper hand. She stabbed Carver in the shoulder and hit his head with her hammer.
Clementine slowly picks up Carver's revolver.
Carver: " Ha...haha...hahaha. So, after all this shit I've been through my life will be end not from not those monsters or some crazy thugs, it will be in your hands. Kinda funny isn't it? Two years ago, I was just a engineer, doing nothing but fixing computers, programs and stuff. Who would've thought that I will become the one who kills people and ruining their lives.
Clementine: "What? Are you feeling sad right now? That's not going to help you anymore. You destroyed everything you believed. You're rules. You're humanity."
Carver: "Oh, please. I heard these lectures too much. You destroyed yours too. Admit it or not you're just a little girl. You should've go to the school, hanging out with your friends, be with your family all time. But because of this... this end of the world scenario we have right now, look where you came. An eleven year old girl poins a gun at me. My gun.
Clementine: "You're choices brought you here. Not me. You had a lot of chances. You could've done the right things. But instead of doing that, you decided to walk with this world. You could've let Walter go. You could've listen to me and let Alvin go. You could've let the people back in the stream live. You're just anorher monster I came across. There's no hope left in you. Isn't it?
Carver: "Hahahahahaha..... What did you say darling? Hope? A HOPE? DO YOU REALLY EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE THAT FUCKING SHITTY LIE? I TRIED! FOR FUCK SAKE I TRIED MY BEST! I PRAYED TO GOD EVERYTIME! BUT HE ALWAYS GAVE ME THE DEATH AND MISERY! We tried to get away when that happened. Me and my family. Eventually we hit one of them. I lost the all controls. We crashed. When I wake up, everything was red. My wife just turned one of them. She tried to bite me but seatbelt keeps her to get me. Some car piece just stucked in my leg. I couldn't move anywhere. And then I saw her. My little cookie. DADDY! HELP ME PLEASE! I'M SCARED DADDY! I tried to comfort her. There was nothing I could do about it instead of telling her to calm down. And then this monters came. They were moving my Ashley. DADDY I'M SORRY FOR DOING BAD! I WILL BE THE GOOD GIRL I PROMISE. PLEASE! Her face. I'll never forget it. They were eating her. They didn't even give shit. They just ate her. That was all they cared about She was just 6 years old. Did she done something to deserve this? Even getting eating alive she was still screamed to me. DADDY! DADDY! AAAAHHHHH! GOD DIDN'T HELPED ME WHEN THOSE MONSTERS ATE MY DAUGHTER IN FRONT OF MY EYES, HE DIDN'T DO NOTHING! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE HIM WHAT HE DONE TO ME! SO STOP GIVING ME A SPEECH ABOUT FUCKING HOPE AND SHOOT ME! WHAT ARE YOU WATING FOR KID?! KILL ME!!"
Clementine throws the gun on the floor.
Clementine: "NO! This is not how the world works now! You won't make me kill you! I didn't learned like that. I'll never get used to this world. Do you really think you're the only one who lost everything you cared for? I lost my Mom and Dad, I lost him. Cries But they taught me that no matter how much bad things happens to you, don't lose your hope. I don't care how stupid it sounds like, I'm still believing it."
Carver: "Keep believing kid. You will be the one who lost this fight one day. You'll see."
Clementine: "I'm gonna take that risk."
Carver: "Hahahaha. I doubt it."
Luke: "Clementine, come on. We have to leave before it's too late. That place is not gonna hold forever."
Kenny: "Well, what are we waiting for? Go, GO!
Carver: "You should've killed me when you had the chance. I will find all of you! And when I found all of you, I WILL..."
Whole Cabin Group, Clementine and Kenny looks to the person who fired the gun.
Rebecca: "That's for my husband and my baby, you son of a bitch!"
I know I have bad writing skills but hey that topic just inspired me to do it. What do you guys think? Do you think that same scene I just wrote about Carver and Clementine should happen in the game? If you don't like it or find some stupid parts, just let me know. I'm telling you again, if you don't like that scenario, just give your downvote. Don't hesitate. I don't mind at all. Take care of yourselfs. See ya
It sounds stupid, but hear me out. I think it'll be Luke that kills or stops carver as he seems to be the new badass/leader of the cabin group making decisions. I think that carver will push him just too far and he'll flip out. I mean I would love it if clem would kill him, but that's too cliche.
That is not stupid! I made this form so people could share their opinions and read other peoples ideas, not to criticize someone on what they want to happen or what they think will happen.
It sounds stupid, but hear me out. I think it'll be Luke that kills or stops carver as he seems to be the new badass/leader of the cabin gro… moreup making decisions. I think that carver will push him just too far and he'll flip out. I mean I would love it if clem would kill him, but that's too cliche.
I like the idea of a zombie Alvin killing him, but I don't think that's going to happen. Or maybe Rebecca dies giving birth and the zombie Rebecca would kill him, that would be sweet, too! I just don't want Clem doing it I would be okay with killing him indirectly, but I don't want her to just shoot him or something like that, that would be lame
Thank you!
As far as I know there is only one person who openly ships Cluke and everything it stands for
Well you picked the right time to bring this topic up
Lol, unless Lilly came back somehow and then Kenny and her would go hulk on each other and start fighting again.
We all know who that is -__-
As far as we know Carver is a really bad dude. If that many people leave the group at once then something is up. He's pretty sketchy but we all have our own opinions
I dont think she should kill him directly... Carver is surrounded by thousands of Walkers.. He begs for mercy.
1: Toss him a gun with one bullet so he can take himself out and then get out of there
2: Keep the gun and leave to let him suffer from walkers.
I'm super excited for episode 3 mainly because we don't know who the real bad guy is.
Do they prefer to make themselves known?
...And implant beards unto their corpses.
My friend was like "yo, what would happen if Carver is really Pete's younger brother?" and I got an idea for something more logical than that.
I think that would be the best choice for Telltale because it gives the player more freedom, rather than playing basically the same thing as everyone else.
Kenny should be the one to kill him.
I see him and Carver battling it out, and Kenny choking the life out of him.
Lmao, that my friend is "THE GIANT SALT LICK OF DEATH!"
Needs more plaid
The apocalypse ends one day later and everyone returns to life with immortal beards like the beards never were before.
I completely approve of this. Can this just replace almost every weapon in the world?
In episode 3 of season 1, if Lee doesn't fight back Kenny beats the shit out of him, he could do that to Carver. He most likely restrained from hurting Lee because friendship and train buddies while Carver is neither of those.
Yeah the name is Cluke4life
Sure it can, one downfall though, it is a very highly destructive weapon. So everywhere you take it and use it, most likely the place will get demolished. So unless you don't mind that, haha.
Zombie Lee.
Not really.
oh my god, I just died.
as clementine is only a child,she'll probably just gonna have an option to convince someone to kill him or not,probably luke will be the one handling carver
I too thought of this as to how Carver should go. [Save Carver] or [Walk away]...
I want to see Carver get killed by a walker, preferably a walker of someone who he killed. It would be sweet poetic justice for him.
If I had to pick a character to take him out, I would choose Sarah. It would be interested to see what led up to it - was Carver trying to kill Carlos/Clem/someone, was it by accident, did she lose her marbles. And the aftermath - how did it affect her, did it change her for the better, did she lose it after that, how did the other characters react to it.
Well it could be Alvin if you saved him probably not though,I think they'd choose someone like Carlos or Rebecca who can't die in episode 3.
Anyone besides Clem. Why must a child do all the work in this game? Let the others do something, too.
I'm not sure. I kind of want someone to kill him indirectly, i.e, the group climbs up into a room above, with Carver chasing them. Walkers fill the room, and Carver begs for help. That could be the final choice of Season 2 - help Carver or reject Carver.
I think it should be Luke. He seems to have taken a big hero role in the game so far. I don't know why people don't like him, he is so nice and caring to Clementine, apart from locking her in a shed and dropping her but after that he showed kindness to Clem and remorse for his past actions. Carver is gonna take a lot away from Luke this season so he should do the deed.
Other candidates would be Kenny, Rebecca and Carlos. But I think it's going to be Luke and not just for the things I listed above but also because it seems like Telltale are putting a lot into his character. It's like they really want us to like him.
Clem, "cleaning" Carver's wounded shoulder with water that a zombie head has been laying in.
After the great showdown between Carver and Clementine, Clementine finally takes the upper hand. She stabbed Carver in the shoulder and hit his head with her hammer.
Clementine slowly picks up Carver's revolver.
Clementine throws the gun on the floor.
Whole Cabin Group, Clementine and Kenny looks to the person who fired the gun.
I know I have bad writing skills but hey that topic just inspired me to do it. What do you guys think? Do you think that same scene I just wrote about Carver and Clementine should happen in the game? If you don't like it or find some stupid parts, just let me know. I'm telling you again, if you don't like that scenario, just give your downvote. Don't hesitate. I don't mind at all. Take care of yourselfs. See ya
It sounds stupid, but hear me out. I think it'll be Luke that kills or stops carver as he seems to be the new badass/leader of the cabin group making decisions. I think that carver will push him just too far and he'll flip out. I mean I would love it if clem would kill him, but that's too cliche.
I think for shock value, it should be Carlos. However, I don't see him living past Episode 3. I'd go with Luke
When it comes to Carlos I think Carver has a "special" plan in mind.
That is not stupid! I made this form so people could share their opinions and read other peoples ideas, not to criticize someone on what they want to happen or what they think will happen.
It would be way too cliche and expected if Clementine did it. Maybe Alvin?
I like the idea of a zombie Alvin killing him, but I don't think that's going to happen. Or maybe Rebecca dies giving birth and the zombie Rebecca would kill him, that would be sweet, too! I just don't want Clem doing it
I would be okay with killing him indirectly, but I don't want her to just shoot him or something like that, that would be lame 
A gun