He is about to do something crazy....


So as many of you have already deduced, something is off with Kenny and suspicions are that he has changed in a scary way. With episode 3 coming soon (hopefully), I am really expecting Kenny to do something insane, possibly being the guy who murders somebody as shown by the leaked achievements.

So my question to this divisive forum is whether or not you are prepared to support Kenny when he inevitably acts erroneously. I personally really like Kenny and I'm ready to support him within reason, but something tells me he is going to do something that will really shock us.




  • Spoiler

    I don't think Kenny would do anything that'd be classified as 'insane', but I do think he'll punch Carver or something. Maybe attack one of his guards, I don't know. Although, if he does do anything really bad, my support for him might fade away. I mean, he IS Kenny, but I have to draw a line somewhere.

  • I can see that happening. Honestly, I expect Kenny's irrational hotheadedness is gonna be his downfall.

  • I can see him doing something like Lilly

    I.e. he becomes so overwhelmed by seeing his loved ones fall that he just snaps and acts like a bitch

  • True, but it will really break my heart if he is acting like good ol' asshole Kenny and somebody like Carlos gets fed up and puts him down. I really want to help Kenny cope with this world, he feels like the last family Clementine has. But his attitude lately is unsettling, he is fronting and acting like everything is fine but we know he is the one guy who will probably never be "fine".

    I can see that happening. Honestly, I expect Kenny's irrational hotheadedness is gonna be his downfall.

  • edited April 2014

    Well we all know Kenny will do something shocking.but hopefully all the shocking things maybe he will do to Carver.(wishful thinking)then i would be Cheering.

  • I don't know if he'll murder someone in cold blood, but he's probably going to snap, or more of his bad side is going to be revealed. Maybe he's even more off the deep end than we initially thought. There's a lot of potential for things to happen.

    I can't really say for sure if I'll support him. It depends on what he does. I pity him for all he's been through, but if he starts acting unreasonably, then I won't stand back and just let it happen.

  • yeah I don't think Kenny's going to be the same again. I think he's going to do something really bad as well since telltale brought him back I doubt he's going to be our friend throughout this season but I hope im wrong

  • Yeah this is sort of what I am thinking. He seems a little off in the head, I can see him making a big deal out of something and thinking he is doing the right thing by taking matters into his own hands.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I can see him doing something like Lilly I.e. he becomes so overwhelmed by seeing his loved ones fall that he just snaps and acts like a bitch

  • Yeah, I can see him doing something that would be a total game-changer for his character. I don't think it'll get him killed. He's already escaped death once, so it would be kind of pointless to bring back Kenny just to kill him. But I can see him doing something that would cause Clem and the group to lose respect for him.

  • The stache cancer Kenny has is about to go malignant.XD

  • I feel like TTG is going to have him do something drastic just to shake off a few of the Kenny fanboys (like me lol). My Clementine is watching out for him because she knew how much Lee cared about him, but how long until the novelty wears off and Kenny is acting as a force of destruction?

    sayakamiki posted: »

    I don't know if he'll murder someone in cold blood, but he's probably going to snap, or more of his bad side is going to be revealed. Maybe

  • I hope your wrong too, but I fear this is the way it is going. Kenny is going to do something nearly unforgivable, I feel it.

    TWD95 posted: »

    yeah I don't think Kenny's going to be the same again. I think he's going to do something really bad as well since telltale brought him back I doubt he's going to be our friend throughout this season but I hope im wrong

  • I know but hopefully when the trailer comes out we'll see more of Kenny's mental state

    I hope your wrong too, but I fear this is the way it is going. Kenny is going to do something nearly unforgivable, I feel it.

  • edited April 2014

    I think so too, knowing TTG, they're probably going to make us regret ever wanting Kenny to come back.

    Lee (if you played him as Kenny's buddy, that is) would probably want Clem to look out for him, but if he did something completely unforgivable, then I think he'd want him to be 'set straight', like with the time Lee and Kenny fought on the train. Lee cares, but he wouldn't coddle him. Kenny's an adult man, and he should know better than acting impulsively and denying what's in front of him.

    I feel like TTG is going to have him do something drastic just to shake off a few of the Kenny fanboys (like me lol). My Clementine is watc

  • You gave an idea based on the achievement witnessed a murder right Kenny will be the one to commit then the only witness will Clem so he will ask her to conceal the truth because if they found out Kenny murdered X he'll be in deep trouble.

  • This is spot on. Kenny and Lee were close as brothers in my playthrough but Lee still almost choked him out on that train. You pretty much nailed how I intend to handle Kenny though, have his back but bring him a reality check when he needs one.

    sayakamiki posted: »

    I think so too, knowing TTG, they're probably going to make us regret ever wanting Kenny to come back. Lee (if you played him as Kenny's

  • I have a feeling he's going to kill someone brutally, such as strangling or maybe even dismembering someone with his bare hands.

  • This would be a really cool scenario, and incredibly tough as well! I would probably have Kenny's back as long as the circumstances surrounding the murder weren't completely malevolent, but damn.

    poplee posted: »

    You gave an idea based on the achievement witnessed a murder right Kenny will be the one to commit then the only witness will Clem so he will ask her to conceal the truth because if they found out Kenny murdered X he'll be in deep trouble.

  • With his bare hand?Jesus man!!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I have a feeling he's going to kill someone brutally, such as strangling or maybe even dismembering someone with his bare hands.

  • This. He might pull Lee's favorite tactic and strangle somebody or maybe something worse. We have hardly any idea of what happened after he escaped Savannah, and I am nearly positive he did something horrible and grisly. I would both love and hate to see something like this happen.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I have a feeling he's going to kill someone brutally, such as strangling or maybe even dismembering someone with his bare hands.

  • I don't know if Kenny will have murdered somebody at Carver's camp. If he did and it was one of Carver's men, he might just right out kill Kenny for it unless it was when they were escaping.

    Could Kenny do something crazy though, possible. With his emotional scars of Katjaa and Duck still present, if he were to lose Sarita, he could start making mistakes that might endanger others or get over protective of Clementine. And he has been known for a short fuse, I'd be worried what he'd be capable of if pushed too far.

    I'd look out for him and try to keep him in check the best I could by being supportive, but if he did something that nearly killed somebody in the new group or somebody else that wasn't a bad person, I don't know if I could stand by him.

  • I think Kenny is the same, he's trying to hide the past and try to act different. I mean, look how he acted towards Sarita because of a box, also how he didn't pay attention to Clementine telling him to not shoot Johnny, he did it anyway. If you try to find him outside and tell him to not shoot Johnny, in the preview of episode 3 he says "Son of a bitch woulda shot Walt no matter what we did, he's trying to not place the blame on himself like S1, and if you don't look for him outside and give up in the preview he says "I don't know if we coulda save Walt, but I know ONE of us didn't just give up" (his eyes look mad when he looks at Clem because she let the rest of the group give up) he thinks he's the good guy (like S1) and thinks he could be forgiven for indirectly killing Walt just because he didn't give up. Also in the preview he looked like he started the fight between him and Carver (because Carver doesn't harm the group unless they don't work and/or disobey his orders)

  • Haha I read this comment in Kenny's voice

    poplee posted: »

    With his bare hand?Jesus man!!

  • This would depend. Did he kill someone in self defense, such as a guard who was preparing to kill him? Was it another survivor in the camp who got into a fight with him, and he accidentally went too far? Was he just thirsty one day and decided to drain the local flower vendor of all his blood in the middle of Carver's community for sustenance? I'll support him if he had good reasons or it was an accident, but if he just gets pissed and murders someone that's where I would draw the line.

  • I agree with a lot of what you said, but Kenny doesn't think he's always the good guy. Two words: Shawn Greene.

    I think Kenny is the same, he's trying to hide the past and try to act different. I mean, look how he acted towards Sarita because of a box,

  • edited April 2014

    I could see Kenny killing someone who is trying to hurt Clem or Sarita, but I don't think he would go as far to kill a guy for fun.

  • edited April 2014

    I didn't say always, what popped in my mind when I typed that is where Kenny and Lily were arguing and he says something like "I'M ALWAYS THE BAD GUY, I WOULD LIKE A FUCKING "THANK YOU" FOR ONCE, FOR ONCE!" also when he killed Larry where he "knows" he's gonna die and he's the hero to save them before Larry turns, but everyone hates him, he thought he was doing the right thing

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    I agree with a lot of what you said, but Kenny doesn't think he's always the good guy. Two words: Shawn Greene.

  • I agree, if anything it would be a Nick and Matthew type situation where Kenny would just take it way too far. But ultimately you can see where he'd be coming from, like after the bridge incident I stood up for him and consoled him a bit. Yes, it was bad what he did and he really done goofed up, but it happened and he had good intentions so you gotta kinda let it go.

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    I could see Kenny killing someone who is trying to hurt Clem or Sarita, but I don't think he would go as far to kill a guy for fun.

  • I don't know what he is going to do but it's clear that at some point he is going to just snap and when he does, someone is probably going to die.

  • Wow I never thought it could be Kenny murdering someone but I can see it,as long as Kenny had a good reason for killing someone then I guess. I could try to accept it but the way it's said doesn't make it out to be that way,more like murder in cold-blood.

  • His actions is what destroyed the group back in season 1.

  • Hmm, who knows what Kenny will do. But he has definitely changed this season. For better or worse? Who really knows at this point. Guess we will find out in episode 3.

  • Maybe he spent hours lying under corpses to hide from the walker herd. Staring into the eyes of a dead body for hours or even days is bound to push you to the edge.

    This. He might pull Lee's favorite tactic and strangle somebody or maybe something worse. We have hardly any idea of what happened after h

  • What a moronic thing to say.

    His actions is what destroyed the group back in season 1.

  • Ah man, that would really suck. Clem spend 3 days alone like that... I kind of get the vibe he got to a gas station and killed some folks and drank himself nearly to death by the time Sarita found him...

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Maybe he spent hours lying under corpses to hide from the walker herd. Staring into the eyes of a dead body for hours or even days is bound to push you to the edge.

  • Exactly.

    xValkyx posted: »

    I don't know what he is going to do but it's clear that at some point he is going to just snap and when he does, someone is probably going to die.

  • Its mostly speculation at this point, can't wait for episode 3.

    Hmm, who knows what Kenny will do. But he has definitely changed this season. For better or worse? Who really knows at this point. Guess we will find out in episode 3.

  • Yeah, with the way he gave supplies to the bandits and caused them to attack to the group. Or that time in Crawford where he took the hatchet out from the door handles and let the walkers in.

    Wait a second...

    His actions is what destroyed the group back in season 1.

  • So Gavin Hammon said that Clem and Kenny's relationship will never be the same after the next episode...

  • Wow... this doesn't leave me with high hopes for the next episode. I guess this basically confirms Kenny is going to do something fucked up - or something so bad that it changes Clem's opinion of him entirely. Wish EP3 would come out already (or at least the trailer), I'm dying from anticipation.

    So Gavin Hammon said that Clem and Kenny's relationship will never be the same after the next episode...

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