SBCG4AP on older computer?

edited October 2008 in Game Support
Hi TTG, well luckily for me i downloaded the demo of Strong Bads game before I purchased it to find it did not work. (Hooray for demo's and saving me money!) Anyway I encountered an error saying
"Could not initialize Direct3D. Make sure you have current video drivers and close any other applications that might be running" I had no other applctns open anyway.
So I went to the support section of the site and in a nutshell I did everything it said and still nothing. I also tried downloading direct3d and it was successfully installed, I ran some more tests and played some games with Direct 3d and it worked but wouldnt you know it, SBCG4AP still read the same annoying plain text.

So, what are my options now? I could update my drivers again (if someone could tell me how to do it on the 'puter myself or where to download updates from the net). Maybe its my computer it is several years old on Windows XP Home Edition. Also I thought maybe the version of my demo glitched during downloading time but I put it on a pen drive and tested it on my friends windows XP and we played it perfectly (it was fun while it lasted). I do have a mac laptop. 3 in fact! 2 are Macbok pro's and mine is a iBook g4. I tried bootcamp and a buncha other windows simulators. They didnt agree with the macbook pros. And my iBook is to old to run windows. Sorry for so many words but i wanted to give you a detailed description of my craptastrophe.
Anyway thanks for any/all the help guys


  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2008
    Hey Strong Glad, did you try updating DirectX? Definitely worth running the updater if you haven't. Aside from that, do you know what model of video card you have?
  • edited October 2008
    Hi Will thanks for your speedy reply! I tried downloading DirectX Updater and still the same thing, dang. However I did notice something; in the installer it tells me I do not have directx components and it gives the option run directx through the internet or run without the internet. I checked off Run through the internet when I insatlled despite that my internet has been broken for several months! Maybe if I reconnect my internet I could resolve my problem:)
    And by the way I'll look into what video card model I have just in case!;)
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2008
    Oh, yes, you would definitely need the internet to run the installer.
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