Why I think GoT Has the biggest potential [WARNING Big spoilers for various games]

edited April 2014 in General Chat

Being a massive fan of Game Of Thrones.. I was pleased to hear Telltale announce their excitement of a Telltale Game Of Thrones game.
The universe is dark, grim and perfect for new Telltale to get their hands on.

Now here's the part you'll probably get angry with me about. Please.. please.. hold back the pitchforks and torches.

Now. Game Of Thrones, I have hope will be telltales best and biggest project yet. Simpley because of the universe.
Now let me do some comparisons for you.

Borderlands is one of their upcoming projects. however, this cant be taken that seriously. Telltale always sticks true to the source material, Borderlands has never been a game to be taken seriously, it's been a comedy game with respawning and jokes left right and centre. So telltale will try and stick by this, robbing it of any seriousness or anything, It'd probably be a typical "hero has to stop villian" plot which I'm sure telltale wont have trouble with. I can see it being more in the style of old telltale games, like Monkey Island or Sam and Max.

The Walking Dead is an emotional serious game.. yet it was telltales first. choices were limited, but frustrating and emotional, however, being the first, everything seemed very ... limited? and with the death of Lee, they may not want to repeat this action with season 2, giving Clementine, if you play it canon (not dying once) Plot armour making her seem invincible with no worries.
This drasticly changes the feel to season 2.

The Wolf Among Us started the biggest potential so far. Being a mature, gritty and emotional game, episode 3 introduced the first ever three way choice and made it so that you had an urgency to catch crane. however, it piled presure on you, on where to search first and second. You HAD to do this in time or he'd get away.. make sure to choose wisely.
Your actions then reflect more than ever with this.. Telltale definitly improved.

Now GoT is the last of the new games being worked on to come out, hopefully still this year.
What I'm saying is, It has the biggest potentioal, both in choice, emotionality and mortality.

The Game Of Thrones is a game were you live or die. I can see you having to play smart, or having a character screw you over, playing logically through the story and game were choices REALLY REALLY matter.
I recently watched the latest GoT episode. There was a scene with Jon Snow were he was trying to hire voulenteers to come with him to a keep.
This gave me the idea for the thread. What if a situation like this turned up in game? akin to the end of episode 4 of season 1 of the walking dead? were you had to convince them to come with you, or not, thinking about who to leave behind to defend the boat?
You may be in charge of a keep full of family and friends who are defenseless, and must pick wisely if you want to take all your soliders on this mission, or leave a few behind, or all, and risk your own life, or the fate of your keep.
This may drasticly change the story as a whole.
Ontop of the other things I mentioned, what if Telltale gives you "lives" I.E if you die, you're put in the role of someone related to that character, or if they may follow it in the way of the show, you control multiple people across westeros.

Feel free to discuss and ask questions.. I'll be here.

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