Would you consider TWD to be all one game, or two games?

edited April 2014 in The Walking Dead

People have asked me what my favorite game is, and I'm usually quick to say "The Walking Dead" but then there are a few people who tend to ask "Part 1 or 2?" I don't really consider the separate seasons to be two different games, I just judge the whole series as a whole, as if it were one game. Though, Season 2 isn't fully done yet so maybe it's understandable that I think of it this way, what do you think? Do you consider both seasons (Including 400 Days) as one game or multiple games?


  • I'd just consider it the same, they're out of the same series.

  • 1 game its the same story

  • I consider it one game since it's the same story from season 1 continued rather than a whole new cast of characters.

  • edited April 2014

    Hard to say. I think I consider them separate games in the same way I considered the Mass Effect trilogy to be separate games.

  • Two games, one series. So far, Season Two provides a different vibe to Season One. It feels separate, its own entity.

  • I basically consider it one game because of imports. Same thing I did with Mass Effect.

  • edited April 2014

    I'd consider The Walking Dead: Season 1 and Season 2 two separate games. Season 1 is the beginning, Season 2 is a sequel. As will Season 3-9 will be.

  • Separate games, because that's what they literally are. They're different video games. You could even make this argument that the Mass Effect trilogy was nothing but one big game.

  • I'd consider them both to be the same game, however it could be like if someone says they like Mass Effect, or Assassin's Creed, obviously you're going to like one or more of them better than the others o:

  • Yup! Not a successful one in neither category though. I had a show on the internet awhile back, ended (temporarily probably) for awhile though, might bring it back again sometime though. When I have the time. =]

  • I get confused on this. Each season has it's own Wikipedia page, but I still consider them both to be the same game, since I hear people refer to 201 as Episode 7.

  • When they say Assassin's Creed, I doubt they're talking about the first game. :)

    Blooey posted: »

    I'd consider them both to be the same game, however it could be like if someone says they like Mass Effect, or Assassin's Creed, obviously you're going to like one or more of them better than the others o:

  • FIFA 2013 and FIFA 2014 are one game, or two games?

  • edited April 2014

    2 completely different gamess

    Things I liked

    S1 Hub areas, Puzzles, Character depth, QTE's just perfection one of the best games ever played had story, gameplay, length got everything perfect even decisions were superb dark theme so dark never knew what going happen next loved it

    S2 Clem

  • Nah don't be, it was up to me. I may even bring it back at some point. :)

  • BenPaulBenPaul Banned
    Spooch posted: »

    I basically consider it one game because of imports. Same thing I did with Mass Effect.

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