If Clementine were with these people for the 16 Months instead of Christa, how would they get along?

1.Clem and Carley

  1. Clem and Lilly

  2. Clem and Roman

  3. Clem and Doug

  4. Clem and Molly


  • edited April 2014

    Clem and Carley - very good

    Clem and Lilly - hell no!

    Clem and Roman - hm... nope

    Clem and Doug - I don't know honestly but I think he could die quickly

    Clem and Molly - very good, I hope that she will show up in season 2 :)

    That what I think in very short version. :)

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned
    edited April 2014
    1. Clem and Lilly I have no idea
    2. I think Clem doesn't like Roman
    3. Doug neh
    4. Molly and Clem sound interesting but Molly wants to be on her own
  • edited April 2014
    1. Clem and Carley would get along pretty well, I think from what we have seen. She would be more practical than caring though, I think.
    2. Lilly isn't a monster to kids, she would do her best to look after Clem, i think.
    3. Roman? We haven't seen a lot of him, but from him and Becca in 400 days, he seems okay with kids.
    4. Doug wouldn't know how to look after Clem, I think. He'd try his best, but he wouldn't be teaching her survival skills, more so technical skills.
    5. Molly cared for Clem when they were together. Her opinion swayed Molly before she was going to kill Lee. If i had to leave her with one of these people, it'd be Molly. She would learn so many survival skills with her!

    Great question though!

  • edited April 2014
    1. Clem and Carley = Protected
    2. Clem and Lilly = Organized
    3. Clem and Roman = Bored
    4. Clem and Doug = Bored
    5. Clem and Molly =NINJAS OF THE NIGHT!
    1. I believe Clem and Carley would get along pretty well.
    2. Clem and Lilly? No, not after what she saw what happened to Carley.
    3. Clem and Roman? I don't know...not a lot of character development on that guy.
    4. Clem and Doug. It'd be good to be with an old friend, and I think as long as they kept together, they'd survive.
    5. Clem and Molly? I think they'd be okay, but I don't know, Molly's more about being a lone wolf, I don't know how good of a guardian figure she'd make.
  • edited April 2014

    Clem and Carley: They seem to be on the same page most of the time and Carley's great with a gun. But I don't know how good Carley is at making survival decisions. Seems like they'd be too nice. So...average survivability.

    Clem and Lilly: Pre-saltlick? Pretty good. Post-saltlick?...Less so. She'd probably be a bit more mellowed out without Kenny and Larry there, though. Below average to above average survivability, depending on Lilly's mental state.

    Clem and Roman: I'd actually say that they'd get along fairly well. Roman seems alright with kids. Once shit starts hitting the fan, though, he might start making decisions that Clem absolutely opposes. Above average survivability.

    Clem and Doug: Loads of fun and knowledge-sharing. (Remember, she thought Doug's nerd knowledge was "cool.") Low survivability though.

    Clem and Molly: She's sorta like a less-responsible female Luke. But she also had a sister. So probably pretty well. Good survivability too.

    So, if I ranked them, it would go: Molly, Sane Lilly, Roman, Carley, Doug, Insane Lilly.

  • Clem and Lilly: NO
    Clem and roman: Clem's not met roman not yet any way
    Clem and Doug: well maybe, Doug doesn't seem the living type here
    Clem and Molly: defiantly a good choice

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