What if Telltale hypes us even further (or trolls us) by releasing episode 5's trophies/achievements. Oh god, what if tomorrow's news IS the episode 5 achievements!?!?!?
What if Telltale hypes us even further (or trolls us) by releasing episode 5's trophies/achievements. Oh god, what if tomorrow's news IS the episode 5 achievements!?!?!?
And also there is a history museum achievement and lee is history teacher are we going to have a flash back or something or are we going to see lees name somewhere, thats just my opinion
It doesn't fit with the timeline, but it could very well be the same church. Perhaps we see some evidence that Rick and co. were there at some point, but following the timeline, Gabriel and the rest are long gone.
(?) You shared hope with CoolStoryBro.
There's the 800 Days DLC to look forward to.
(?) CoolStoryBro realized that 'hope' was shot in Ep. 1, but will take LeeTheProfessional's 'hope' anyway.
Lmao, damn. You're right... BrOmid.
(?) As long as CoolStoryBro and LeeTheProfessional hold on to that hope, everything will be ok.
Damn right, bro!
What if Telltale hypes us even further (or trolls us) by releasing episode 5's trophies/achievements. Oh god, what if tomorrow's news IS the episode 5 achievements!?!?!?
I zoomed on her face is that a scar on her cheek???(sorry for bad grammar)
Honestly, I think that is Becca, not Sarah.
Bah...so the baby lives...I have had enough of these goddamn babies in this goddamn series.
i think at the end clem reaches to a church
It can be anyone from that perspective but i like the skills one and church.we get to meet the church guy from the comic (PROBABLY)
In season one episode 3 died so many people, i guess its going to happen again
A heavy burdern?

Just replayed s01e03 today...
Looks like Ep4 is going to be my favourite. Those achivements look/sound amazing.
not even mad
Agreed, they need to show one getting eaten on screen.
You need serious help if you get your kicks from shit like this
probaly a herd since the acheivement says got seperated from the group
And also there is a history museum achievement and lee is history teacher are we going to have a flash back or something or are we going to see lees name somewhere, thats just my opinion