series' TT would handle well
What series do you think Telltale would handle well? It could be comic, tv, heck, even current video game series' that different companies own now.
I think Peanuts would do well, even though Square Enix owns it now.:cool:
I think Peanuts would do well, even though Square Enix owns it now.:cool:
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Actually, though, I'd be interested in seeing TTG develop a new in-house IP. I'd love to see what the creative team at TTG could come up with.
However, should they change that, I would love to see some serious and suspenseful series from Telltale, something along the lines of Gabriel Knight maybe.
Pick Up
Walk To
Steal From
Sexually Harass
Roll Eyes
Innocently Deny
Oh Tabacco! You made me actually laugh out loud for once in a very long time! I especially love 'Abuse, Steal From, Posit, and Sexually Harass'.
A Freakazoid game would be so very worthwhile. You would run around capturing villains such as The Lobe, Candlejack, Cave Guy and sometimes Cosgrove wo
[size=+2]What are you talking about!!!It still is good!!![/size]
I'm pretty sure it's not true. The series got a little pretentious in the middle to late third season and I lost interest.
*cough* Scooby Doo *cough*
You forgot "It's not Lupis"
As for me I think I'd love TT to pick up "Grim Fandango" the most.
Well, it seems Sherlock Holmes is going towards 1st Person instead of 3rd. Sides, The Awakening SUCKED.