Thanks for the credits!!

edited October 2008 in Sam & Max
I didn't find any topic about it, so I just made this one...
I just got to watch the season two bonus DVD for the first time (Just came back from vacation). And I wanted to let you people from telltale know, that I really really appreciate being in the credits.
You can tell, that you really do care for your customers and fans.
So once again, thank you very much!!
I think I am saying this in bahalf of all the other members that got mentioned too...
am I right?


  • edited October 2008
    Maybe sure....
  • edited October 2008
    You're welcome! I actually pulled that list well before the disk was finished, which is why Shaun (who works here now) is still on there :)
  • edited October 2008
    hey tabacco, how do you get on these credits? do you have to have a certain number of posts or threads or something? It would be SO awesome!!!
  • edited October 2008
    It was the top 100 posters at the time.
  • edited October 2008
    dag, oh well, theres always bribery.... heh heh heh

    But how would I know what "ranking" I am? is there like, a link?
  • edited October 2008
    Wow, I didn't even realize I was in the credits. Thanks :)
  • edited October 2008
    We intentionally don't have a ranking, to stop people from posting junk to get to the top (not that some people don't do it anyway ;))
  • edited October 2008
    hopefully it won't get worse now
  • edited October 2008
    Get these credits to da win!
  • edited October 2008
    Bruno83 wrote: »
    hopefully it won't get worse now

    it didnt last time, but with the newer people here it may get a bit worse, but then again they often post in ridiculous quantities
  • edited October 2008
    Hey, would something similar to this happen again?
  • edited October 2008
    Dang, I really want to have a look at that bonus CD now to see if I'm on it!
  • edited October 2008
    Yep, you are. Funny, I was trying to get a pic of my name in the creds to show to somebody and there yours is, too.

  • edited October 2008
    *insert junk post here*
  • edited October 2008
    Yeah, I wanted to say thanks thanks! :D
  • edited October 2008
    Postcount +1!
  • edited October 2008
    If people do start posting junk to get on the list, we'll probably just weed out obvious junk posters, or forgo the list altogether. We love recognizing people who make our forum awesome, and a million "I agree" style posts really don't make the forum more awesome :)
  • edited October 2008
    So, wait... am I on there?
  • edited October 2008
    patters wrote: »
    it didnt last time, but with the newer people here it may get a bit worse, but then again they often post in ridiculous quantities

    Last time I think it was everyone who was registered on the boards by a certain time. I 'm pretty sure as I was disappointed as I JUST missed the cut off date. But I made it THIS time. :D
  • edited October 2008
    Am I on there? I don't think I am.. I gotta get on my Sam & Max disk and find out!

    EDIT: I'm on!! WHOOO!
  • edited October 2008
    I am getting nervous, especially now with such large licenses being used, that these boards will lose the homey, small community feel and become the massive membercount mess that so many other video game developers forums have become.
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