Something I just noticed

So I've been thinking and I'm pretty sure we are going to see most, if not all of the 400 Days characters in the next episode. I decided to refresh my memory on these characters so I watched a play through
I noticed something really eye-opening.

Im sure most of us have figured out that Nate, the guy that picked up Russell, was also the guy chasing Wyatt and Eddie. I had noticed this when I had played it. However, something I did not notice, but noticed in the play-through was this: Shel's group is the same group that is chasing Bonnie, Leland, and Dee through the cornfield.

Hear me out. Bonnie's story takes place 220 days in. Dee claims she "found" a bag, which she probably stole. Some people with flashlights and guns start to chase after them into the cornfield. This is the interesting part. While you are navigating the corn field, a man and a woman stop right in front of you and talk to each other. If you look closely, these are the silhouettes of Stephanie and Roman. They even exchange dialogue, and if you listen, these are definitely the voices of these two characters.

GO TO 8:35

8:35 in this video

Shel's story takes place 236 days in, a little over two weeks after. In the beginning of the episode, Shel checks the guns and flashlights with Stephanie and Becca. If you walk over and observe the flashlights, Shel says "Still one short." Stephanie responds, "Still in the cornfield somewhere I guess." This pretty much confirms this theory.

My point of all this is that I think these groups' stories intertwine a lot more than we realize. Depending on who went with Tavia, we may find out that there could be some bad blood between some of these characters.

Sorry if this has already been pointed out. Did anyone else notice this?


  • Yes its been discussed before. I think its been too long for the people to still hold a grudge though. I mean the stuff in the bag wasnt that important and Bonnie wasnt that fond of Dee anyway.

    Russel wasnt with Nate when he was chasing Wyatt and Eddie either.

  • Yeah, I think they were all linked one way or another.
  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited May 2014
    I think everyone knew about this already.
  • edited May 2014
    I believe when Shel's group was discussing what to do with the scout Roman had found, one of the cancer patients mentioned how they lost medicine and supplies before. Then Shel says something like "Oh come on! That was weeks ago. Something like that hasn't happened in a long time".
  • Yeah, that was Dee who stole them.
    Conduit42 posted: »

    I believe when Shel's group was discussing what to do with the scout Roman had found, one of the cancer patients mentioned how they lost med

  • Took me about 5 replays to notice that line..
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