Sam & Max coming to WiiWare? (Was: Still waiting!)

edited December 2008 in Sam & Max
Sam and Max not out in Australia for WiiWare yet. BAH!

Why on earth are there different release dates for things on the internet? It's not like I'm going to download it from USA first. Grr.

I know it's not TTG's fault. Blame Nintendu! :mad:


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2008
    Sam & Max is not coming out on WiiWare at all.

    Season One is coming out for Wii as a retail product, and it just started being available in North America this week. It's going to be released in Europe in November, at which point I'd expect it to start showing up in Australia as well.
  • edited October 2008
    Dang. I was hoping to get it on WiiWare. Thanks for your help. I will spend the rest of my points on Strong Bad Ep 2 once my console stops giving errors connecting to the shop.
    I tested out a couple of episode demos on my PC. Looks great! :)
  • edited October 2008
    November? Why couldn't you have told us sooner?
  • edited October 2008
    Maybe Season 3 will be on Wiiware
  • edited October 2008
    Is there a reason it's not coming out on WiiWare?
  • edited October 2008
    WauloK wrote: »
    Is there a reason it's not coming out on WiiWare?
    uuuhhh... no.
  • edited October 2008
    WauloK wrote: »
    Is there a reason it's not coming out on WiiWare?
    Basically, the Sam & Max episodes are too large to fit in WiiWare's 40MB size limit.
  • edited October 2008
    StonkBad wrote: »
    November? Why couldn't you have told us sooner?

    Most retailers still have 24th October as the release date... Maybe there'll be a few days delay but I trust we'll soon start seeing it on shelves.
  • edited October 2008
    I don't want season 3 on wiiware if it means the unreliable release schedule that has developed with the SBCG4AP. I like that Sam and Max has the entire season of release dates established upfront and that the games actually come out on these dates. I absolutley hate this "you'll know the release date when we do" line of the past few months. Plus, I like the games being relased on Friday, not Monday.
  • edited October 2008
    EMAN528 wrote: »
    Plus, I like the games being relased on Friday, not Monday.

    And I like being caressed by vermicious knids. Alas, it looks like I won't be getting things my way, either!:eek:
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2008
    StonkBad wrote: »
    November? Why couldn't you have told us sooner?

    This was only just announced:

    Sorry if we didn't call it out on the forum, sometimes I lose track of what gets posted where. :o
    Is there a reason it's not coming out on WiiWare?

    Since we're already in the middle of one episodic series on WiiWare, we made the decision to put Sam & Max out at retail instead. We had the episodes completed and people had been waiting for the game to come to Wii for a while, so it made more sense to go the retail route with this particular game, than to space the episodes out on WiiWare.
  • edited October 2008
    I don't know why someone would choose Wiiware over a retail disc anyways. I know Wiiware is fine for episodic games but if the whole season is finished already it's a no-brainer.
  • edited October 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    This was only just announced:

    Sorry if we didn't call it out on the forum, sometimes I lose track of what gets posted where. :o

    Since we're already in the middle of one episodic series on WiiWare, we made the decision to put Sam & Max out at retail instead. We had the episodes completed and people had been waiting for the game to come to Wii for a while, so it made more sense to go the retail route with this particular game, than to space the episodes out on WiiWare.

    Why does the sound cut out in the Wii game for some lines. I have heard about this on some forums?. Can you fix that before the Europe version comes out?. I find it ridiculous that this wasn't noticed.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2008
    There are occasional lines that get cut off briefly at the end of the line. We fixed it in as many places as possible, but weren't able to in a few places.

    It is not a widespread issue and it hopefully won't detract from your enjoyment of the game. :)
  • edited October 2008
    Don't worry, you can eventually put Sam & Max: Season Two on the Wii, in a $30 Disc. It'll work.
  • edited October 2008
    xChri5x wrote: »
    I don't know why someone would choose Wiiware over a retail disc anyways. I know Wiiware is fine for episodic games but if the whole season is finished already it's a no-brainer.

    I'd rather wait longer and have the whole season on a retail disc than have to get it on Wiiware.

    I don't like eating up my Wii's limited storage space with games when I could have them on a disc. I also like to be able to bring the disc to a frien house and have a fun evening. Plus, due to the limited size of Wiiware games, I think Telltale would have to make watered-down version of the episodes and no one wants that.

    The desing of SBCG4AP allowed for a nice transaltion to Wiiware, but I sure hope they don't take that route with Sam & Max or Wallace & Grommit.
  • edited November 2008
    Wii ware is great and all, but what about those old people who only have a wii and don't have wireless internet?
    (i'm not one of them, I'm actually an active user of Wi-Fi)
    But we can't have too many games wiiware exclusive, or it gets outta hand.
  • edited November 2008
    natlinxz wrote: »
    Wii ware is great and all, but what about those old people who only have a wii and don't have wireless internet?
    (i'm not one of them, I'm actually an active user of Wi-Fi)
    But we can't have too many games wiiware exclusive, or it gets outta hand.

    I'm pretty sure that doesn't represent the Wii owner majority...
  • edited November 2008
    Zootch wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure that doesn't represent the Wii owner majority...

    I don't know how big a percentage it is but my guess is there's a lot of people out there in that situation.

    I know a lot of people who have Wii's and had no idea it could connect to the internet. One of those even already had a wireless router, another one bought one just for that purpose while others just didn't see the point of having internet access on a console.

    Console users aren't always the most tech-savvy people. I wouldn't be surprised if half the Wii out there have never been online.
  • edited November 2008
    Even if they managed to crunch the Sam & Max episodes down to WiiWare size, I'd still prefer that they don't do it. Even when they open up the SD cards for storage, Wii storage space will still be a bit of a premium. 2 GB (or 8, if they upgrade the firmware) still isn't quite enough space to start downloading multiple seasons of multiple episodic series on the console. It's best to focus on one.
    EMAN528 wrote: »
    I don't want season 3 on wiiware if it means the unreliable release schedule that has developed with the SBCG4AP. I like that Sam and Max has the entire season of release dates established upfront and that the games actually come out on these dates. I absolutley hate this "you'll know the release date when we do" line of the past few months. Plus, I like the games being relased on Friday, not Monday.

    Aside from the one-week-too-long release of SBCG4AP #3, it's been pretty consistent so far.
  • edited November 2008
    Zomby wrote: »
    I don't know how big a percentage it is but my guess is there's a lot of people out there in that situation.

    I know a lot of people who have Wii's and had no idea it could connect to the internet. One of those even already had a wireless router, another one bought one just for that purpose while others just didn't see the point of having internet access on a console.

    Console users aren't always the most tech-savvy people. I wouldn't be surprised if half the Wii out there have never been online.

    Fact: As of this post, there is only 30 online games for wii. and that includes mario and sonic at the olympic games, and all other leader board games.
  • edited December 2008
    No Sam and Max anywhere in my big city (Brisbane, Australia) yet :(
  • edited December 2008
    Well, on the computer 3 episodes take up less than 1 gig, so 1 episode would be about 350mb before further compression for wii. It's easily possible, we just don't know if telltale is up to it.
  • edited December 2008
    Zomby wrote: »
    I don't know how big a percentage it is but my guess is there's a lot of people out there in that situation.

    I know a lot of people who have Wii's and had no idea it could connect to the internet. One of those even already had a wireless router, another one bought one just for that purpose while others just didn't see the point of having internet access on a console.

    Console users aren't always the most tech-savvy people. I wouldn't be surprised if half the Wii out there have never been online.

    HALF? probably 3/4!!! Think of
    A) People who have a wii and don't play it at all
    B) people who have a wii and a 360 with xbox live
    C) People who bought a wii for wii sports and got sick of it
    D) Amish people who bought a wii and a tv.:)
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