At the end of Playing Dead......

I think you can hear Russell's voice. When they show Kumail recording his lines at the end if the video, someone says "She can be hard to read sometimes." I went back and listened to it again, I am almost certain this is Russell.


  • edited May 2014
    Woah, I need to check this out. Do you have an exact time? EDIT: I checked it out, it might be him. Its hard to tell from one line of dialogue, but it does kind of sound like him.
  • edited May 2014
    Nice spot man, but *HUGE SPOILER* Someone hacked the files and found out that Wyatt, Vince, Russel, Becca, Shel and Tavia are going to appear n the episode.

    He made a video about it, but I can't post the link.

    Edit: ant64423 is the name of the YouTube user and the video is called "They back!"
  • It's not that surprising. If Bonnie's there, and she went with Tavia no matter what, obviously the rest will appear.
  • Sounds a lot like him...
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