Telltale forum improvment

edited December 2008 in Site Support
We all want the improvement of our favourite forums, right? Then why dont we suggest some improvements or report a bug or two? As for me, I think the avatars are too small! also
the spoiler hiding won't hide :rolleyes: smileys


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2008
    We have some vague plans for forum improvements, but given that the forums actually work at the moment (unlike the suspect forums we had a couple years ago), it's not at the top of the priority list. Things are always slowly brewing, though.
  • edited October 2008
    besides wasn't there a pretty big overhaul recently
  • edited October 2008
    Wait, what happened to my post? I continued the subject of spoilers, and now that post is gone. IMPROVE THAT, TELLTALE.

    OK, just make everything in the universe possible in spoiler tags, and I'll be happy. And I'll get rid of the bombs in your office.
  • edited October 2008
    Love the forums, only thing I wish was that there would be a "Find All My Posts" button on the top.
  • edited October 2008
    Sometimes when I post a real big post, it won't go up the first time and I have to write the whole thing again.That's really my only complaint.
  • edited October 2008
    I think the avatars are a good size. Forums that let people have big avatars and huge pictures in their signatures, look really cluttered and junky.
  • edited October 2008
    Some more members would be nice.
  • edited November 2008
    I just don't see why Rickrolling is such a crime here...
  • edited November 2008
    id like to see an easier way to get spoiler tags around something
  • edited November 2008
    id like to see an easier way to get spoiler tags around something
    And the strike tool.
  • edited November 2008
    Color.....we need color......
  • edited November 2008
    I kinda' want images in the signature box, that way I can use
  • edited November 2008
    Zootch wrote: »
    I kinda' want images in the signature box, that way I can use

    whats that from anyway?
  • edited November 2008
    At a guess, seeing as it's pretty much anyone seems to be talking about here at the minute, Mystery Science Theatre 3000.
  • edited November 2008
    A very small step we as writers in this forum could do would be to improve the spelling on the subject of this thread. Why should TellTale make their forums better and shinier if you're just going to dull them with extremely ironic spelling?

    I'm not trying to be mean, but the misspelling of the name of this thread is just too incredibly ironic to leave alone.
  • edited November 2008
    Badwolf wrote: »
    At a guess, seeing as it's pretty much anyone seems to be talking about here at the minute, Mystery Science Theatre 3000.
    Yes, but it's spelled Mystery Science Theater 3000. A simple mistake, I don't know why there's more than one spelling.
  • edited November 2008
    Generally, 'theater' refers to the building, 'theatre' refers to the art.
  • edited November 2008
    Yes, but it's spelled Mystery Science Theater 3000. A simple mistake, I don't know why there's more than one spelling.

    I'm just using the British spelling, so it's not really a mistake :cool:.

    To be fair, I probably should have spelt it "Theater" seeing as that's the show's proper name, but I guess I'm a bit obsessive over UK/US spellings.
  • edited November 2008
    oh and an easier way to post links i hate going back and forth and back and forth
  • edited November 2008
    I think has the best forums. :D
  • edited November 2008
    Badwolf wrote: »
    I'm just using the British spelling, so it's not really a mistake :cool:.

    To be fair, I probably should have spelt it "Theater" seeing as that's the show's proper name, but I guess I'm a bit obsessive over UK/US spellings.

    You can't do that to a proper noun!
  • edited December 2008
    I know I'm bumping this a lot, but I just thought of something people would benefit from. In certain threads, (like the vending machine game) I've posted something, and then another post appears above mine and I have to go back and edit it. A few times I've missed this, so I'd like to request an alert for when that happens, and you can go right down the page and edit the post.
  • edited December 2008
    What if the person who created a thread could lock it themselves?
  • edited December 2008
    Not gonna happen, sorry. If you find you're needing to lock your own threads constantly, perhaps you shouldn't be starting them in the first place.
  • edited December 2008
    tabacco wrote: »
    Not gonna happen, sorry. If you find you're needing to lock your own threads constantly, perhaps you shouldn't be starting them in the first place.

    It's not that I ever have needed to, I just thought it would be an interesting feature.
This discussion has been closed.