Nick and Luke's business venture

edited May 2014 in The Walking Dead
what exactly was it? did they just blow all their money on something for Dragon's Den/Shark Tank that didnt go through or something?


  • They invested in Terminal Reality
  • They founded an organic apple juice farm.

    It was all going so well...but then, the Alvin attacked.
  • They had a business for juiceboxes.
  • "Shark Tank" Hahahaha I could imagine them in the show trying to get a business.
  • roundofapplause.gif

    They invested in Terminal Reality

  • They made tuxedos for cabbages, and then produced 31 feature-length films starring fancy cabbages.
  • I've said this before and I'll keep saying it until it becomes canon.. They formed a punk rock duo called "Burnin' Daylight." ("A case of beer in he just says 'Nick, We're Burnin' Daylight!' And that was that.")
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