What do people want from Episode 3?

TheFrigeratorTheFrigerator Banned
edited May 2014 in The Walking Dead
godlike beard kenny? Badass clem? shitbird troy? luke back? (or christa) beccas baby? Nick? (Petes dead :( )
Carvers dead? Molly back?

What do people want?
Discuss here.


  • edited May 2014
    Hubs, baby! Lots of them.

    I think Kenny will have a disappearance in S2, and we'll see him return in S3 like Gandalf(As in beard length). In all seriousness, this episode has a lot of potential for character development. One of the things I would also like to add is Rebecca's baby .
  • Every one want's troy's death for being a child beater
  • edited May 2014
    Death (A fuck ton of it), Gore, some hard hitting emotional stuff and brutal/cringe worthy scenes.
  • have Clem beat up Becca
  • A shit ton of feels, amazing choices and deaths. I want Kenny to reveal his powers.
  • To have Clementine KILL Troy. That piece of shit!!!
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