Who's hand is this ?

edited May 2014 in The Walking Dead

At the upper Right .. you see a leg and then a hand ??
It seems like a walker ..


  • Its a walker.
  • ' What is a walker doing in there ? O:
  • What if it's the walkers Clem is trying to bring into the camp, but Troy catches her? Cause Kenny and Clem were bringing walkers in so maybe Kenny successfully brought them in and then cue the scene where Troy is pushing Clem towards Ken and the other dude.
  • "A storm is on the way", maybe.
    Alive_Clem posted: »

    ' What is a walker doing in there ? O:

  • edited May 2014
    Unlikely considering they're in the compound and he seems more concerned with preventing clem from running away than from killing the walker.

    Its a walker.

  • Yeah but it doesn't makes sense because Troy hit's her and let's her in the ground when walkers are in there... too strange. His probably the biggest Idiot I ever saw in The Walking Dead History.
    Rafoli posted: »

    "A storm is on the way", maybe.

  • Maybe your right.
    Flog61 posted: »

    Unlikely considering they're in the compound and he seems more concerned with preventing clem from running away than from killing the walker.

  • Well, we see the screen go black for some time, so she probably fainted with that hit.
    Alive_Clem posted: »

    Yeah but it doesn't makes sense because Troy hit's her and let's her in the ground when walkers are in there... too strange. His probably the biggest Idiot I ever saw in The Walking Dead History.

  • Yes probably. But still he left her in the ground.
    Rafoli posted: »

    Well, we see the screen go black for some time, so she probably fainted with that hit.

  • edited May 2014
    It looks like Sarita's hand to me, maybe she's trying to run over to Clem since she just got hit in the face quite violently. I don't know, but I'm pretty sure it belongs to Sarita, I mean the hand looks just like hers if you compare it to her character model.
  • It looks like Sarita's hand to me.
  • Maybe he was Kenny angry for Troy hitting Clem he wanted to step up but someone is blocking his way ( maybe tavia )

    Maybe your right.

  • In my opinion this is definitely Sarita and Carlos is holding her.
  • Maybe they have a pet walker like shel's group?
  • It is Sarita being held back by Carlos by the looks of it. His fingers are taped together, and so are Carlos'
  • As many folks have said, it is sarita being held back by carlos. I think this may be when someone's getting murdered..
  • edited May 2014
    Okay, look...I'm gonna go out on a limb here (no pun intended). That hand is mine.
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