Getting sick of the Troy hate



  • Oh my gosh it's not about the fact that people hate Troy as said we respect that it's the 100s of threads about him the guy who made the I don't care for clementine thread only made it once and even then he was pretty respectful some of these users who want Troy to die will automatically assume that those who say things like "let's just wait to see" are pretty much assumed to be people who'll defend Troy no matter what when it's not like that at all
    Kimi492 posted: »

    Sorry but I call bullshit on everybody here. Especially people who are adamantly defending Troy. We don't know anything about this guy yet e

  • This. it's not as if everyone is labeling him as a saint for hitting Clementine, far from it. However, it's pretty premature and stupid that people are gonna start making judgement calls based on what Troy did in an episode trailer that leaves out a good portion of the episode content which can put it into some sort of context.

    Oh my gosh it's not about the fact that people hate Troy as said we respect that it's the 100s of threads about him the guy who made the I d

  • I don't give a fuck about him, he's getting way more attention than he deserves. He's just some redshirt/extra.
  • Not everyone cares for Clem... That one thread is stupid -__-

    well it kind of is a big deal.. he hit clem and everyone one here cares for clem. though I do wish people don't make a million threads about it. 1 or 2 threads is fine.

  • I like Troy
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