What time do episodes usually release?

What time do episodes usually release? I just wanted to know because I don't get out of school until around 3:00 PM US/Central Time (UTC-5). Just let me know when it usually comes out in your time, and I'll figure it out.


  • edited May 2014
    i have the same question.

    what time does it release for ps3?

    I live in florida
  • The episode has usually come out by the time I get back from work which is 6:30pm UK time, so I would think that the episode will definitely have been released for you by 3 :)
  • Epsode 2 came out at around 1:10-1:15pm eastern U.S. time.
  • Well for Episode 2 i woke up at 2 for some reason and it was out, so im assuming 12:00 A.M
  • What about for iOS in Australia?
  • And in Europe?
  • When Episode 2 came out, it was around... 1:00pm?
  • I think 12:00 A.M
  • I've been asking the same thing so I looked at my PSN trophies and it says I played AHD at 5:40PM GMT. I get out of school at 3 so yeah, 2 hours after schools done.
  • you have to compare your time with PST OR CST THATS IT....... WHEN THE NEW DAY BEGIN IN CALIFORNIA THE EPISODE PROBABLY RELEASE BUT FOR YOU ..YOU HAVE TO COMPARE YOUR TIME WHERE YOU LIVE AND CALIFORNIA TIME ...that's the best method .I LIVE IN SAUDIA ARAB here the episode release at 10 o clock p.m ...so best method use it and have fun..
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