Glitchy Once Again (PC)

edited October 2008 in Game Support
In episode 2 I encountered fatal glitches that alted game completetion twice. Now while playing episode 3, I've encountered a funny yet annoying glitch. In Club T-C when helping Homestar, if you fail the rhymeing and put the record back on, the audio and video go into slow-motion and deep audio. It sounds hillarious and at first I thought it was Chapman's humor but then when I left the Club to SB's house the slow effect was still in play, and even in the main menu! So only by closing the game and re opening was I able to get the game back to normal. But I tried the glitch again and was disapointingly succesful.

I know a month is a short time to ditribute a game, even if it is direct download episodic series. I am still however disapointed in the companies lack of testing and trouble shooting throughout the game. Downloadable patches to fix glitches would be a nice service to those who have forked over $35. I will post again with any other glitches in the episode I find.


  • edited October 2008
    Sounds like you need to update your soundcard drivers.

    Off topic:

    Can you find what's wrong with this picture?


    If you answered one of these seven glitches you win!
    1. The grass should be brown and/or dead
    2. The trees and the birds were almost down from the top of the sky
    3. There is a hole
    4. Strongbad does not look happy
    5. The metal detector should have been more detectory
    6. I do not have a 100 million dollars
    7. I can't find the rest of the objectives

    As you can see, Telltale rushed this game.
  • edited October 2008
    The only glitch I got was with the eyes disappearing - this is the first episode that happened for me.
    Also, at one bit a frame of marzipans mouth disappeared, but I wasn't really concentrating then.
  • edited October 2008
    Sadly, the "vanishing eyes" bug has been around since Homestar Ruiner came out... Still no fix in sight *sigh* Anyways, [techobabble] it appears to be some sort of issue with how the game stores the facial expression textures in active memory when an area loads [/technobabble]

    The bug appears when there are other processes hogging your computers ram when loading a new area (or loading a savegame), so make sure you kill as many background applications as possible (and make sure any antivirus apps are not running a sweep) before starting the game

    There is already a thread going on about this HERE in the support forum, they are "working on it"
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2008
    The problem in Club T-C is new to me, but doesn't sound like an engine problem (believe me, we have tested that aspect of the puzzle ad nauseum and I know of no engine or script related issue that would cause playback to slow down).

    My first suggestion would be to redownload/install the game just to make sure a file in there isn't corrupt. Failing that though, it might be worth updating your sound card drivers.

    What are your system specs? Are you on Vista?
  • edited October 2008
    I eased through episode 1, pushed through the glitches of edpisode 2 but now episode 3 on PC, its almost like they don't care. I posted a previous thread about the Club glitches, but they did not stop there. The same sound distortion glitch occoured in the lockerroom, plus in the club, clicking on escargot activates merlot. Thats just part of it, and I could fill up an entire forum with bitching but I choose not to waste readers time. I am just posting this as a statement to Telltale that I am done with SBCG4AP, done. I can't play a game with such low quality in production, even if it is from the genious of the Brother's Chapps. Im not going to ask for a refund for the final 2 episodes because I know it won't happen, but I can not come back to this game until proper patches/updates have been made to adjust the PC version to playability. Though I've never played any other Telltale games, I don't think its a name I will be using again. I just think the Homestar universe deserves a better game than this.

    Good Luck to those who continue to play the game error free and I hope you enjoy it!
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2008
    Not that I expect to change your mind, but did you ever attempt any of the fixes I suggested? So far you are the only person that has had the audio distortion glitch so it is likely something specific to your system. And if it is a problem on our end, there is no way we can fix the problem if we don't know anything about your system or possible causes.

    Furthermore, I've never heard the escargot/merlot problem before, but it is certainly possible that you could have misclicked. The system is simply not set up in such a way that that sort of error is likely to happen.

    Finally, we do and always have offered refunds to people.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2008
    Threads merged.

    Trogdorf, I'm really sorry to hear about your frustration. Will (who is our lead QA tester, btw) tried to help by asking some questions about the problems you're having, so I'm not sure how you got the impression that we "don't care" about the problem, but that's definitely not the case!

    The issues you posted about have come up during our testing, which is why we need more details to make sure we clearly understand what's happening and try to help you resolve it.

    If you're really not interested in getting the problem fixed and would rather get a refund, that's fine. Just send me a PM and I'll take care of it.
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