Did you teach Sarah to defend herself and why if you did or not.

I did it because I felt like she would be in danger soon and that it will help her survive like lee did to clementine


  • edited May 2014
    In my first playthrough I didn't because Sarah got on my nerves with her "let's be best friends forever omg I love you Clem", but on my second run I decided it would be a good idea to teach her how to use a gun.
  • Yes, I teach Sarah to defend herself. but you known, she could be "Carley 2.0"
  • I did, I was hoping she'd be an aimbot like Clementine when you teach her how to use the gun.
  • I wanted Sarah to have a fighting chance, even a small one, if it ever came to that. I don't give a shit what Carlos thinks about it: "If you keep treating her like a little girl, she'll die like one".
  • I didn't cause I didn't get the option.
  • edited May 2014
    I feel that despite Sarah being sheltered, she DOES deserve the ability to protect herself and others. She's at least willing to be useful and I was so glad when Clem reminded her that "it's not a toy" and "it's just a thing."
  • I did, but immediately regretted it when the first thing she did was point it right at Clementine.
  • no. I didn't want to do it behind her dads back
  • Yes. She will need to know for episode 3.
  • Clem: "Don't do that!"

    I did, but immediately regretted it when the first thing she did was point it right at Clementine.

  • I didn't taught her how to defend herself the first time, because I was still under the impression that she was mentally unstable. Ever since that first playthough, I have been teaching her how to use a gun.
  • Seems I am in the minority where there was no such option. Anywhom I do not regret not making friends with Sarah, she cray cray.
  • Yes and it was pretty goddamn harrowing to say the least. It won't do her much good anyway since she has no idea how to load/unload the weapon or operate the safety (a big problem).
  • I did it because i did it
  • No, I didn't. But I have a small feeling of regret, I had Carlos on my mind when I should have took Chuck's words into play.

  • edited May 2014
    Yes of course I taught Sarah to use a gun, I mean how could Sarah go Rambo on the horde if you don't teach her to shoot

    I guess she could still fight her way there with her fist's though
  • I did it because I had the feeling that Carlos wasn't gonna do it anytime soon, and knowing how to handle a gun to defend yourself is a must when you're in the apocalypse.
  • I didn't teach her how to use the gun, mostly because she seems so much younger in mentality than Clem, and I agree with her father that she's not ready for it. I mean, when she's been shield from reality for all that time, what use would knowing how to use a gun have? What would she even do with it. They need to teach her what the world has become like, before they teach her how to use things that can kill people. I just don't think she can handle it yet.

    Though, now, or when they get away from Carver etc, I would say she's more ready to learn.
  • I think carlos needs the Chuck speech
  • Yeah, I did. I don't want her to die because Carlos is sheltering her. It would be hard on both of us.
  • Yeah, I didn't get the option either.
    ruairi46 posted: »

    Seems I am in the minority where there was no such option. Anywhom I do not regret not making friends with Sarah, she cray cray.

  • Nah, it's too dangerous.

    Unlike the Rebecca blackmailing and the 'telling Carlos off' dialogue choices which didn't have a *single* damn consequence, I'd like to see a consequence for this choice.
  • I did not teach her. She was acting like the gun was a toy, which is a sure fire way to accidentally blow someone's head off. Like she nearly did to Clem immediately after. If the gun actually had been loaded, and for all we know it really might have been, Season 2 had a very high chance of ending right there. She's got to learn that guns aren't something you play around with. If you do, you'll end up like Nick, and one of him is certainly enough.
  • Shouldn't that be WHY you teach her how to handle a gun? So she doesn't blow your head off if she ever decides to get her hand on a gun? Regardless of how sheltered she is, she NEEDS to know how to handle a gun or she will DIE. That is a fact as Chuck said this as much and why he told Clementine she would end up dead like Duck. As she was just as sheltered.

    Also Nick is just jumpy and agro, got to teach him how to not be also but considering how hard Pete was on him I'm not surprised at how he is despite Pete best intentions.

    Rock114 posted: »

    I did not teach her. She was acting like the gun was a toy, which is a sure fire way to accidentally blow someone's head off. Like she nearl

  • I felt it was about time she learned how to use one so I taught her how to use it

  • Yeah I taught her. She is gonna have to defend for herself one day.

  • I taught her. At first it was because of the thought that she might save her own life or someone else's. After Episode 3, I feel like I did right by her, showing the basics of how to use a gun in case she gets in some trouble by herself.

  • I dont think it will really have any effect, she ends up stupidly waving it around no matter what happens, also she never really does anything other than hold it, no shooting or anything. Clem didnt have the courage to save Lee even after shooting about ten bullets

  • I'm sure that teaching Sarah will be used in the next episodes.
    She'll be able to defend herself and maybe if you didn't teach her she'll die and if you did she'll be able to survive...maybe

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