I drew Max ; You are tempted to click.

edited November 2008 in Sam & Max
Had absolutely no idea where to make this thread so I played it potentially safe and posted in here.
Anyways, In celebration of me finally beating all the episodes on S&M Wii.

So yeah.


(Also IE6 users miss out on all the transparency fun, Sorry.)


  • edited October 2008
    IE6 users, anyway :)

    Looks awesome!
  • edited October 2008
    A little too Hello Kitty for my tastes, but very nice work.
  • edited October 2008
    i like it, i would prefer the luger to be a little longer though
  • edited October 2008
    Aw, I was just gonna post the Max I drew today during school! :P
    That one's way better than mine though! :D
  • edited October 2008

    for some reason he looks like he wants to eat my insides! good job.
  • edited November 2008
    Quite nice quite nice(smokes pipe).
  • edited November 2008
    delimew wrote: »

    for some reason he looks like he wants to eat my insides!

    You mean more so than usual? ;)

    Very cool, T-man! I love it. And maybe it's just me, but I see a teensy bit of Gary Baseman's style lurking underneath the surface there, too.

    In any case, congrats on beating Season 1!
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