I cried so hard.

edited May 2014 in The Walking Dead
Cried like the bitch i am. When i found Luke, when he beat Kenny, when Alvin died...

Anyone else cried like a bitch? Or is it just me?





  • I did cry at Alvin and Carlos's death. When Carver was beating Kenny, I was so scared he's gonna die...I cared for Kenny much more than usual in that episode...
  • I did too sis *hug*
  • I feel stupid that I really thought Kenny wasn't gonna lose a eye xD
  • I agree, and as a bonus we have Governor(Or pirate) Kenny.
  • I cried when sarita got bitten and Carlos died and sarah ran it was like a triple shock
  • I almost cried at Carlos' death and when Kenny got beaten down. Both scenes were really hard to watch.
  • edited May 2014
    My eyes watered up when Clementine met Luke. I missed that dude.

    Or when Carver hit Kenny. I was scared that he'll kill him.
    Or when Alvin died. Like a hero. RIP Mr. Juice Box
  • Pirate Kenny arrrr Matey! Boats, Boats, Boats!
    Nekrocop posted: »

    I agree, and as a bonus we have Governor(Or pirate) Kenny.

  • Me too ;_; Especially that Duck mention... Kenny talking about Duck just about killed me.
  • Shit, i cried at the end because i need to wait again 2 months and im scared.. i dont want that kenny will be killed or so...
  • Pick ALL the hug options!
  • edited May 2014
    Yeah, that part got to me too. Especially when he says that Duck was a good boy.
    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Me too ;_; Especially that Duck mention... Kenny talking about Duck just about killed me.

    Nekrocop posted: »

    I agree, and as a bonus we have Governor(Or pirate) Kenny.

  • Can i just...

    Kenny didn't SEE that coming.

    GET IT.



    I have no soul.
  • I think Telltale figured out people really liked that 'Hug Kenny' option last episode.

    Pick ALL the hug options!

  • Ehhhhhhh.... no I didn't cry. Really didn't feel much of anything.
  • I didn't cry actually but I feared for every character in this episode. Kenny's situation, Alvin and Carlos deaths... surely hit me on emotional level. One of the best (if NOT the best) episode so far.
  • edited May 2014
    Just don't mention to him about any Boat...ow shit.
    Azlyn posted: »

    Can i just... Kenny didn't SEE that coming. GET IT. HE DIDN'T SEEEEEEEEE IT. CUZ HE'S A FRIGGIN' PIRRRRRRRATE NOW. I have no soul.

  • "Did somebody just said something about BOAT?"
    gd3232 posted: »

    Just don't mention to him about any Boat...ow shit.

  • I had a teary eye when i saw Luke and Kenny getting beaten up.
  • A brilliant episode mixed with madness and touching moments. I got teared whenever there was a hug option. I was so close to breaking down when I thought Kenny was killed by Carver and hugged him when he was alright (in a way)
  • Although I will admit I really feared for the safety of everyone, and my heart was pounding by the end of the episode.

    Ehhhhhhh.... no I didn't cry. Really didn't feel much of anything.

  • Jesus Christ i must be heartless or something lol? Didn't cry once but was sad at Kenny and Alvin dying :( good episode (I in the minority for everything choice related as well!)
  • No crying for me. I was more in shock than crying when Carlos. I was sad when Alivin died and was close, but everything was happening so fast. I almost lost it when I thought Kenny had died after being beaten, but then I saw "Kenny will remember that", and went from :( to :D

    God that ending was so traumatic,
  • edited May 2014
    OMG this episode i just finished it just OMG my hands are shaking and I think I wont be able to sleep to tonight... I cried when Kenny lost his eye this is the second episode I cried.
  • My eyes are dry.

    You guys are making me feel like a sociopath.
  • I almost cried. I've been waiting so fucking long and received... this. :(
  • edited May 2014
    I didn't cry, but I had that stingy feeling in my eyes and nose pretty much for the entire episode. This really gives episode 3 of S1 a run for its money.

    Some especially emotional parts for me:
    -Carver forcing Carlos to hit Sarah
    -Clem's reunion with Luke, and Luke's weird behavior (it was so sad to see him so unhinged)
    -Kenny covering for Clem with the walkie, then getting the crap beat out of him
    -Sarita during that scene :(
    -Carlos saying that Kenny might have brain damage. This hit home for me since my younger brother is mentally handicapped and I can't imagine trying to take care of something like that in the apocalypse.
    -Alvin willingly sacrificing himself to help the group
    -Carlo's death and Sarah's reaction :(
  • Never cried but when Clem and Kenny mentioned Lee, it really hit me emotionally.
  • You cried? LOL what the fucking hell, how sensitive does someone have to be? There was a very small amount of emotion put into this episode anyways, possibly none.
  • Loved the OP first sentence :D I also agree that it was a great episode!

    I got teary a little bit all the time but it always gets me when somebody mentions Lee and I immediately start thinking what would he do in the moment :/
  • Not me,imma tough cookie :P
  • I didn't cry but my eyes watered up when Carlos was forced to hit Sarah. That was just horrible. I didn't actually expect him to do it. I thought he'd refuse and get killed.
  • edited May 2014
    Let out a tear of joy when Kenny stood back up after the incident. Nothing much.

    Then came my last moment with Alvin. Tears started building up and then he went and started talking about the baby being a girl and I just straight up started bawling my eyes out.

    RIP Alvin :'(
  • They must have done that on purpose lmao.

    Pirate Kenny arrrr Matey! Boats, Boats, Boats!

  • This whole.. taking feedback from the community thing. Think they got it from us for that? I remember seeing fan drawing or something,before episode 2 came out, of kenny with a beard and wearing an eyepatch.. I think he was thanking lee in it or something
    Azlyn posted: »


  • You're not alone.

    My eyes are dry. You guys are making me feel like a sociopath.

  • I'll say it, I had to pause the scene where Kenny was getting beat up by Carver because I was crying too hard and was literally a burrito of blankets at that moment, just cursing Carver silently and crying for Kenny. When I unpaused the game, each time the option appeared I asked if Kenny was okay and where he was.

    I cried when I saw Alvin unconscious on that chair. I also got teary-eyed when I saw Luke [I recognized him by the orange sweater and the not-so-well-covered-by-the-shadows-face while I was pressing the "Q" prompt repeatedly xD]; to be honest I had the urge to hit him, but instead I chose to hug him. :)

    And I was two seconds away from punching a hole in my laptop screen when Carlos got killed. Literally.

    But hey, I cheered and danced at Carver's death! :D And I laughed my ass off when Jena [that was her name, right?] shot Troy in the balls. Cheers for that woman, I say! ;D
  • YES, I KNOW!

    I love it how Telltale is just EVERYWHERE.

    It isn't even the only time they did this, you know. And i just find it super awesome. And hilarious, because they actually gave us what we wanted, kinda. And i just feel like they know it's gonna make us happy, in a way. And it does. Me, at least.

    There's been this kinda thing going on on the TWAU side, too.
    stevean2 posted: »

    This whole.. taking feedback from the community thing. Think they got it from us for that? I remember seeing fan drawing or something,before

  • [Hug Kenny]

    [Hug Luke]


    Who was the last hug option? Pretty sure there were 3...

    I think Telltale figured out people really liked that 'Hug Kenny' option last episode.

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