Thats it, I quit.

edited October 2008 in Game Support
I eased through episode 1, pushed through the glitches of edpisode 2 but now episode 3 on PC, its almost like they don't care. I posted a previous thread about the Club glitches, but they did not stop there. The same sound distortion glitch occoured in the lockerroom, plus in the club, clicking on escargot activates merlot. Thats just part of it, and I could fill up an entire forum with bitching but I choose not to waste readers time. I am just posting this as a statement to Telltale that I am done with SBCG4AP, done. I can't play a game with such low quality in production, even if it is from the genious of the Brother's Chapps. Im not going to ask for a refund for the final 2 episodes because I know it won't happen, but I can not come back to this game until proper patches/updates have been made to adjust the PC version to playability. Though I've never played any other Telltale games, I don't think its a name I will be using again. I just think the Homestar universe deserves a better game than this.

Good Luck to those who continue to play the game error free and I hope you enjoy it!
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