_____ last words (major spoilers)
I know I mentioned this before in the forums (though it played out differently than I expected) I know I watched Kenny massacre Carver. It wasn't out of malice, it wasn't out of spite. It was specifically because I wanted to see the result of my decisions. (Albeit Carver was going to die anyway). Basically, I advocated that he die because of he would pursue us otherwise. I wanted to see it not because of sadism, but because that was my choice, and I want to buck up to it. To say he should die and then leave Kenny to do it while coping out on my convictions was unacceptable. Ironically, Carver's last words were on the spot. I made the choice I made, and whatever violence it resulted in I have to own up to. I want to take responsibility for my decision. As a great man (in Vampire the Masquerade:Bloodlines) said, (and I've mentioned here) "The folly of leadership is knowing that no matter what you do, behind your back, there's hundred's certain that their own solution is the sounder one and that your decision was the by-product of a whimsical dart toss. I pronounce the blast sentence, and I soak the critical fallout. I make the decisions no one else will. Leadership. I wear the albatross, and the bullseye."
The last part, and Carver's last words, were appropriate. I did what I felt I had to. When Kenny beat Carver's head in, i wanted to be there. Not because I wanted to see his head bashed in, but because I was going to let him die, and I had to own up to the rammifications of that decision.
The last part, and Carver's last words, were appropriate. I did what I felt I had to. When Kenny beat Carver's head in, i wanted to be there. Not because I wanted to see his head bashed in, but because I was going to let him die, and I had to own up to the rammifications of that decision.
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