Is ___ going to die?

edited May 2014 in The Walking Dead
I really hope Sarah isn't dead. I don't know why, maybe cause I chose to help her on multiple occasions, but I really don't want her to die.


  • I have a sick feeling that it's going to end like 'Of Mice and Men'. Fuck would that be depressing ;-;
  • I feel like we'll find her in the next episode but she won't be the same.
  • I think we find her but she will be "dead inside" she will by distant and won't talk. also how can she see without her glasses I'm worried about her
  • Hearing her scream for her dad crushed me. And this is all just a game but still....... I dont think she made it.
  • She will not be dead... Clem will find her... but will she be alive at the end of the season? I fear that will be up to Clem...
  • edited May 2014
    We either taught her to defend herself or didn't at the start of Episode 2. I'm not expecting her to die until at the very least that particular Chekhov's Gun has gone off.
  • I don't know how she'd fair without her glasses, but I hope she'll be alive in the next episode.
  • I wanted Sarah to die this episode, but instead Carlos died. I even chose all the negative options when the opportunity was given to me such as "Shut up" "Grow up" etc. and made her do her own work on the plant. Still nothing. I just think she is very annoying, more annoying than Ben, Duck and Nick IMO.
  • edited May 2014
    I just have a sick feeling that in the next episode were going to find here in a fucked up position like her covered in blood with a lot of dead body's around her sliming at you with a bloody grim....or she's ok with Carlos being alive and ghost lee doing the return of the jedi ghost visit at the very end (by the way someone get on a picture with clem as leia and Luke a Luke skywalker with ghost lee that would be epic )
  • I will post what I said in another topic

    Yeah there has to be something up with this. To any of you who've seen Season 4 of the show I think this will go down the Lizzie route somewhat. I'm not sure if she will kill anybody but these 3 episodes have been setting something up with Clem and Sarah thinking back to the first episode the lines "we can be best friends" "a pinky swear is forever" and one you make as Clem "i'm afraid of saying i'm your friend then do something un-friendly". It just seems to me like Clem might end up having to put her down.

    P.S. Also the Episode 4 achievement "A Heavy Burden" shows a picture of Sarah facing the other way on her knees......yeah not looking good for her sadly :(
  • She's alive, there's a achievement about her on ep.4
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