A couple more SBCG4AP Ep 3 oddities

edited November 2008 in Game Support
These aren't too problematic, but I thought they were worth posting.

1. When you use the bleach on any of the bathroom fixtures, the captions will read a completely different line compared to what Strong Bad says.

2. If Strong Bad uses an item in the last part of Homestar's tryout (and doesn't finish before the scene automatically ends), it can cause some very odd glitches. I've had a second copy of "Food-Related Love" floating in mid-air (which I was able to pick up) and the record's cover stuck covering the screen.

Edit: One more little thing. At the last part of the audition, although the item menu icon is lit up you can't use the "-" button to access it sometimes. Clicking on the icon still works though.


  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2008
    1) that was discovered and fixed after the Wii build went out unfortunately. I believe what you see there is an example of a last minute "hint"-ish line that we wrote and then sent over to the Chapmans who re-wrote the line on the fly (and thus the recording didn't match the subtitles). But since it was last minute and semi-obscure, no one noticed it until a day too late.

    2) Unfortunate and ugly, I'll look into it. Thanks!

    Edit) we had to disable the wii buttons in certain circumstances for safety's sake. It bugs me too so I'm trying to make sure those circumstances get really limited to the bare minimum.
  • edited November 2008
    One thing I've noticed about ep 3 is the launcher takes an unusually long time to load after executing the program. Any other telltale game takes 3-5 seconds to load the launcher (on my computer anyway), yet this episode takes about 25 and crashes/stops responding about every third time executed.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2008
    Hey Eman, that shouldn't be. Have you tried redownloading/installing?
  • edited November 2008
    Yes I did this morning. It seems to load everytime without crashing now, but it still takes about 25 seconds to load the launcher which is just a minor annoyance.
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