Did you stayed?

To see Kenny kill Carver ? i would have stayed but thought that Kenny would take much longer and i some character might get in danger and Clem could have help him...i regreted it as soon as i saw Kenny walking out .


  • Initially? Yes, I was curious.

    But the way I'm playing Clementine, I much prefer leaving. So I went back, despite having never liked doing that.
  • I stayed because I didn't know Rebecca was staying and I didn't want to leave Kenny alone. I regretted it almost immediately, I usually don't get grossed out by stuff like this, but I started gagging like crazy.
  • Yep. But sort of regretted it cause she seemed kind of sketched out after.
  • I left because I didn't want to give Carver any satisfaction, and I didn't really agree with what Kenny was doing. In the past, I don't think he would have done something like that.
  • Thinking it better now im glad i didnt stayed cause that was what Carver wanted me to do
  • edited May 2014
    There are a few reasons why i had her leave. When i did my first play through i did stay simply out of curiosity. When i had clementine stayed she looked like a copy cat of Arya Stark from Game of Thrones. Arya Stark's story arc is similar to Clementine's except that Arya is a cold blooded killer. I am not hating on Arya she's awesome too, I just wanted Clementine to be her own character. It has nothing to do with protecting her innocence.
  • I actually didnt answer and was neutral, and it seems like the game would make me leave. Im glad I did because on youtube it was quite disgusting.
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