
Is it just me or did Carver seem out of character in episode 3?

In Episode 2 he was presented as smart,manipulating,and brutal. They kept the brutal part, but I thought he was going to trick Clem into thinking he wasn't bad and gain her trust and try to get her to turn against everyone else. NOPE instead he says "You're like me Clementine!" and then Clem simply goes "HAHAHA no..." lol Carver sure has her on his side!

Yet again lots of the violent stuff he did wasn't really justified. He was practically like "What you didn't cook lasagna for dinner?! FUCK YOU!" and starts beating the cook's ass.

He's slapping people around and just didn't seem as smart as I thought he was. I mean he left the the group mostly unsupervised at night! IDK IMO he felt... different just wanted to get this off my chest.

Well he did do his job for making me hate his guts so there's that...


  • edited May 2014
    The walkie talkie beat down was powerful, my favorite moment in episode 3.
  • I feel like a big reason why it may feel that way is because we got to see his true nature. He was manipulative and mysterious outside of the community, but once in his position of power and they are locked up there was no need to try and hide his evil nature anymore.

    Plus, there was a CRAP load of zombies lurking toward his building. Maybe he was unnerved and going a bit crazy for that reason.
  • Yeah and Bonnie was saying he was stressed out...
  • i just dont know why he was alone when he caught the group well at least he got one of Kenny's eye
  • A post of mine from another thread:

    "Carver. No, not his death. Actually, his death was timely and here's why: He is not an interesting villain. He is made to be hated, a catalyst for bad shit to happen in the story, but he is just another madman in a long line of TWD characters that thank the heavens got killed off before we had to put up with one diabolous ex machina after another. TWD uses a lot of those, yeah, but they rarely ever feel so forced than the always-one-step-ahead-of-you bully.

    Telltale had two options: Artificially make him a thorn in our side for the rest of this season, explore his character more and with luck have him turn out a good enough villain by the time of *No Going Back* or go the easy way. Have him be the catalyst for *stuff and thaangs* to happen, make him enough of a bastard so that the average player feels a strong enough catharsis once his death comes and keep moving with whatever the rest of the story for this season is.

    He served his purpose. Nothing more."

    A psycho. Morally grey my ass. Well, he is if you see him in a sun-sized pragmatic light, but even then... shocking how he can still be running things. Then again, people are changed by their leaders, sometimes, and the situations they face. I guess that he is the world's greatest hypocrite outside of his camp, where he can murder whomever he wants.
  • One of the things I hate is villains/antagonists that far overstay their welcome. I thought for sure they'd end up just beating Carver senseless or tying him up or something, only for him to come back and kill people. Boy, did they go against my expectations.

    Sure, Carver could have been written better, and thus have stayed a bit longer, but as it I'm content with his character/timespan as they stand.
  • Well IMO I would've liked to have a final showdown in Episode 5 like with the stranger but I'm fine with the length of time he was in the game it was just that I felt he got sloppy and careless and that's why the group escaped which IMO seemed a little out of character.
    Bralef posted: »

    One of the things I hate is villains/antagonists that far overstay their welcome. I thought for sure they'd end up just beating Carver sense

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