Election '08
If you're like me, you're anxious to see the results. For those of you who are, let's have a little in-forum poll. Your vote will remain anonymous unless you choose to make it public.
I voted Obama, because I feel this country needs more affordable health care...
I voted Obama, because I feel this country needs more affordable health care...
This discussion has been closed.
There are several others, actually...
EDIT: Oh, did you mean Max? Okay, I get your joke...
EDIT2: Also, several of us in the office are glued to the NY Times map at the moment...
Cool, thanks!
Anyway, I voted McCain, for 2 simple reasons...
#1.) Because our economy is in enough trouble, and another one trillion in deficit would bankrupt this country.
#2.) I don't want a terrorist-embracing-socialist (who isn't proud of his country) in the White House.
So, I guess i'm alone in that mindset on here, but its cool... (This country is going to hell anyways, no matter who gets in... I'm just going along for the ride.)
approve the Kyoto Protocol
pull out of Iraq
tax us to last week
support a costly alternative energy scheme
screw with Healthcare
remove our second amendment right
embrace terrorism
cut military funding
freely open borders
pander to the U.N.
...did I mention it all? There's probably more...
I couldn't have said it any better.
Why one would want to vote Democrat
Me neither....
The following words should come to mind:
-Thought Police
(or Obama)
Now I'm heading home to watch the Daily Show election night special...
Segway into the blatant liberal slant in modern media!
I wish I had cable.
Honestly... I think that Obama is going to win, simply because of the overall stupidity of our great nation. let me explain...
He presents himself as something different, a change, "the savior", giving a solution to everything, (something too good to be true, until you actually read his "proposals" and understand his "values")... The public then latches onto the one issue that they "think" he can make better, and they vote for him... Without fully knowing everything else that comes along with him. Those who want "change"? Oh, they are going to get it alright... Up the ass with a ten foot pole.
Obama has wrangled the big cooperations, the young and stupid, and those looking for a handout from their government into voting for him... Because of this, the middle class are going to suffer. So unless you are insanely-rich, or on welfare, you're screwed. (which accounts for about 80% of this country).
Use this easy to understand Obama dictionary to decode just a few of your favorite Obama phrases.
- Give em' tax breaks! (then tax it all away... aka, spread the wealth)
- Tax the corporations!... (they send send those costs down to us, via inflated prices on goods)
- Provide good health care! (aka get rid of all subsidized health care, making us all wait for months to see a doctor at a "free clinic")
- Cut costs!... (aka, pull out of iraq, get rid of the military, create his own, and send the remainder into his "retirement fund")
Stop "a war we cant win"... (aka, try to be "friends" with nations that are going to spit and laugh at him, then proceed to bomb each other, and us, into oblivion)
- Patriotic! (aka, refusal to have the United States flag on anything associated with his name... Including himself, or his jet.)
- Change! (aka, turn to a socialistic form of government where they change the law to meet their needs, screw everyone else, and with no one to stop them once the public realizes they screwed up... Since they will now control the entire government)
Need I go on?
Looks like America has made its choice... Stopping fifty feet short of Armageddon.
it seems so many games are liberal!
my Kartrider guild voted Obama, this voted Obama...
I drew it in less than two minutes!
So basically you're saying that anyone that doesn't vote for your preffered candidate is a stupid piece of crap.
When everyone sees the major difference between how he acts when in power vs. who you voted for, you will not need someone like me to point out the mistake that was made... But it will not matter, because after Obama starts censoring the internet, (and all other media) you wont even be able to talk negative about him...
If he was trying to pull a McCain ad off the air for saying "hurtfull things" imagine what he will do when he has the power to write those such limitations into law...
The 28th amendment, "Thou shall not speak ill of the lord Obama."
Like the drunken "screaming matches" you have with family at Christmas... Or that time you smashed a bottle over bill's head at new years... Or the fight you had with your girlfriend at Halloween (about why she can't wear "that")... Or like how the state was willing to forget my "accident" when I turned 18!
Ah, precious memories...
The first, of course, being David Palmer.
"11:09 p.m. Mr. McCain has called Mr. Obama to concede, says The Associated Press."
enjoy your communism
I don't expect Obama to walk on water or to fix everything. Who knows what will happen, but I'm glad to see that he's getting the chance. Only time will tell.
Having read all that I could find about their proposals on economy, energy, foreign policies, government spending, health and a long et cetera, I'm more than a bit worried on how many blanks are in their proposals and how many warning flags didn't get raised during the campaign (And having a democrat majority in both congress chambers doesn't ease my concerns either - Its like having a race car with three gas pedals and no brakes)
Anyway, like McCain said: "The people have spoken", let's hope that what the people said was the right choice and "changes" the US in the right direction (and doesn't crash the economy in the process)
Haha whatever.
^ This.
People have become so cynical that they can't accept a president that actually DOES want to do what he says in his campaigns. Understandable. I am a cynic myself. And I'm not gullible. I know that Obama won't accomplish everything he promised. That's politics for you.
But I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. I truly think that Obama will accomplish great things, given the chance.
If that makes me "stupid", so be it. Voting for McCain would have gone against every belief I have. I'm not saying McCain didn't have positive attributes, just that I'd be a hypocrite to support him.
So yeah... that's my contribution. I'll leave it at that since the rage level in this thread is clearly rising, and will likely continue to do so unless everybody suddenly decides to stop making their own decisions and become Borg.
(Seemingly the best possible turn of events, judging by every flame war ever.)