EP3 achievements not shown after beat the game

edited May 2014 in The Walking Dead
its strange. I downloaded and played it last night and finished it very quickly and it was done on line for sure, and as I progress, I can see achievements popped out. and at the in-game menu I can see all achievements unlocked as well.

however when I got back to Xbox dashboard, the game is still showing 200/200 achievements unlocked (not 300/300 as it should be).

I got to the dashboard's game lists of "my games" there it show me 200/300 achevements unlocked.

I feld strange the achievements not fully reflected to my gamertag/profile at all.

what was wrong and what should I do?


  • any one played the xbox 360 version had this same issue? no issue? is your achevements so far 300/300 in the dashboard (instead of the ingame achevement menu?

    do I need re-play again to get them pop to the dashboard?
  • Yeah, I have the same issue, and unfortunately there's no fix. I had this issue happen when I played Season 1, Episode 4, 'Around Every Corner' as well. It seems that the achievements seem to take too long to actually update on the game. My Season 1 playthrough has 500/600, although it shows I actually have all the achievements. None of the Episode 4 Achievements counted which is probably because I played through the episode minutes after it released. I did the same with this episode, and it appears the issue is back. It's odd though, as the issue went away for S1E5, 400 Days, and S2E1 + E2. But like I said, there's no solution. Replaying the episode doesn't re unlock them, as I've already tried. I stopped caring though, because at least my choices in game are still saved, so I can continue my story regardless.
  • Hi CocaColin, thanks for the feedback. I found relief in seeing your reply.

    Don't know if any support team member from Telltale will check this one out.
  • http://www.trueachievements.com/forum/viewthread.aspx?threadid=4511771&anchor=4513864

    found some hints in TA site, looks I played "too early" day one when it released on Xbox 360, so Xbox had not given in accordance for the achivements. I might have to delete and re-download my Xbox Live id's profile to see if it had my 300/300 achevements for this game sync up.

    anyone had this issue might have to try as well.

    and a word to Telltale, would you pls make sure this will not happen again? first as season pass holder, I was not able get the game free day one (not this ep.), now not getting the achievements sync with xbox itself...
  • Yea it happened to me too what you have to do is go into your memory and Click Y and there should be and option to "Clear System Cache" do that and afterwards Re Download your Account and Re do the Episode and the Achivos should be Registering.
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