Determinant choices Episode 3

edited May 2014 in The Walking Dead
Ok so all of my files were erased due to the fact that I had to restore my entire iPhone. I played episode 3 without importing my season 1 choices this time, and my choices from 201 and 202 were gone, resulting in nick being dead. Did nick die in episode 3 and were there any determinant choices at all? Carlos, reggie, not helping sarah with her work (i helped)


  • Nick lives. No other characters are determinant but Sarita might be based on the ending
  • nick lives and alvin dies, also all of the 400 days characters will make cameos if all of them went with tavia
  • Nick lived with a whole 2 lines this episode. Sarita's assumed to be determinant cuz you can pick to kill the walker instead of taking off the hand, leaving her bitten.
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