How to you play Clementine

At the end of episode 3 (when Kenny kills Carver) a lot of people said that in there first playthrough they walked away, because they don't want Clementine to watch it. But they stayed on their second playthrough because they wanted to see it. This got me thinking whether people act as their self's or act like Clementine . I personally do what I would do in that situation but keep in mind that I am a girl.


  • edited May 2014
    When I play, I try my best to play how I as Clem would play. So a mix of both Clem's character and what I would choose I guess.

    I chose to leave and did not want to stay but everyone kept saying how insane it was so I watched it online because #rememberthemeatlocker
  • I play as what Clementine would do... like not necessarily my choices but I feel like i'm possessed by the spirit of Clementine when I play the game...

    Anyway, just this once, I just decided to stay because I wanted to see it just to confirm for myself that he is in fact dead, although I wish Clem hadn't seen that. She's awesome and bad ass but no kid should see that...
  • I try to be Clem the best i can. I stayed to watch. because Kenny was angry with Carver, and it made ​​me angry too. he killed Walter, killed Reggie for nothing, beat Kenny nearly to death..

    I think Carver was the first person who Clem really hated in her life. so i decided to stay and watch.

    (If I was Kenny that moment, after shoot his legs I would have given Carver to the walkers )
  • I play the way I would be in real life while keeping in mind her character. None of this "good play through first time, bad play through second" stuff. I always play the way I would in real life, then as the ultimate bad ass Clem in the second play through. I just find it so boring to be the morally "perfect" character that always picks ALL the "good" choices, even though there are none.
  • edited May 2014
    I play Clem as how I think she would act judging from what she's been through in the last 2 years. Which is realistic/logical, a little pessimistic, and disconnected/distrusting of everyone outside of her original group(Christa, Kenny). Meaning I'm not very nice to anyone unless I'm absolutely sure they mean no harm, and don't have any ulterior motives. My Clem is wary of new people, and it takes a lot(like saving my life) for them to earn her trust and respect. Having that in mind, I chose to watch Carver get killed by Kenny. In my eyes, there is nothing left of the sweet little girl we knew from season 1. The scene that demonstrates this the most for me is the scene just after Omid is killed, she is still a frightened girl then, and is more emotionally invested, there's still a light in her eyes. Fast forward to the very first scene we see of 11 year old Clem, her eyes are dulled and she looks so old. And the look on her face is jaded, somewhat melancholy, but still determined as hell to survive. Anyone who gets in her way better think twice. A little off topic, but I am really curious as to what transpired during those 16 months leading up to that scene.
  • I play as me, best part of the game is going through with what I would do
  • edited May 2014
    Hm... it's really good question, you know? Personally I can't say HOW I'm playing in The Walking Dead. I think that I always played as a good (or sometimes good-neutral) character. In every game so I think I'm putting myself in the position of the main character and trying to choose what I would choose.
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