Cow Race works fine, why not Out of Boneville?

edited October 2006 in Game Support
Call me stupid, but i'm not 'really' understanding why The Great Cow Race works absolutel fine on my poor laptop with it's lame Intel 915 graphics chipset, but Out of Boneville either fails to run or (if I force it to run using 3DAnalyze) it goes all wacky with mad vertexes and what seems like a Z-Buffer problem.

I know Telltale don't support the setup (with good reason, it's pants, but this laptop was purchased for work) but can anyone shed any light onto the reason behind this?


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2006
    Improvements were made to Telltale's engine between the release of Out from Boneville and The Great Cow Race. What you're experiencing is probably a situation of something that didn't work when OFB was released, being fixed by the time Cow Race came out.

    We will be releasing a new version of Out from Boneville in a week or so, that includes all the improvements made to the engine in the past year. Hopefully you'll be able to run it on your computer without problems. Watch for a big redesign on our website - once that is up, new versions of our Bone games and Texas Hold'em will be available for download as well.
  • edited October 2006
    ...a new version of Out from Boneville in a week or so... big redesign on our website - once that is up, new versions of our Bone games and Texas Hold'em will be available

    And soon it's 1:st Nov.... This is to good! :D
  • edited October 2006
    Improvements were made to Telltale's engine between the release of Out from Boneville and The Great Cow Race. What you're experiencing is probably a situation of something that didn't work when OFB was released, being fixed by the time Cow Race came out.

    We will be releasing a new version of Out from Boneville in a week or so, that includes all the improvements made to the engine in the past year. Hopefully you'll be able to run it on your computer without problems. Watch for a big redesign on our website - once that is up, new versions of our Bone games and Texas Hold'em will be available for download as well.

    Will they still be available in the packaged version deal? like both of them together?
  • edited October 2006
    Will I have to buy them again??? I only got them both last week. ( and I have to say they were awesome )
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2006
    No, you don't have to buy them again. (The CD version of Cow Race won't be the most recent version anymore, either.) When you buy our CD games you can always access the newest downloadable version for free -- our games are so small, it's easier to do it this way than to issue a patch.

    About the bundles - initially we will not be offering the CD bundle due to issues with the new shopping cart we'll be using. Very soon after we hope to have a new sort of bundle in place (with a similar discount).

    As I said above - the CD versions will not have the newest files on them, anyway, so if you want the bundle you might as well buy it now and download next week when the newest downloads are released.
  • edited October 2006
    So, can you tell us any more about the new re-releases of the older games?

    Is it just a graphical spruce-up, or has gameplay been changed too?

    If so, does it relate to this story about Jeff Smith working on a 'director's cut'?

    And... is Cow Race also being tweaked for a re-release?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2006
    No changes to gameplay. This is not related to the thing Jeff mentioned on his blog (which is also in the works, but not something we're ready to talk about yet!)

    The engine has been updated, so any bug fixes made since the games came out have been rolled into those games. I haven't actually played the new versions, but I *think* scalable resolutions have been added, and maybe other graphical enhancements as well.

    The average person probably won't notice much difference between the old versions and the new ones, but if you're someone who can't get Hold'em or Boneville working on your machine but CAN get Cow Race working (like the original poster on this thread), then the new versions will probably fix the problem you're having.

    (And yes, a new version of Cow Race is being released too, also with a couple of bug fixes I think.)
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