sam and max season 3 ideas

edited December 2008 in Sam & Max
I want sam and max season 3 be the best game in the world I want more violence, more guns, and the coolest cars they can get through out the year and i want it with a way lose the game


  • edited November 2008
    Their would be a download able DVD styled menu similar to alone in the dark for each series in which you would put the episodes of the series. It should also have seen selection which would replace debug mode. Also while selecting an episode its sypnosis and release date would be included. Each episode would have a download able game guide which can be accessed through the menu or in game and includes walkthrough and did you try list. It also would contain a special features section and options. One of the options would be to see a commercial after each climax.
  • edited November 2008
    Speed runs for each episode along with a highscore table for it and endless minigames which would also have a highscore table.
  • edited November 2008
    High scores on an adventure game? hahaha
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2008
    Strong Bad did it!
  • edited November 2008
    Or in PBTC Strong Bad's words:

    "I can do it. I can do it nine- I mean- five times!"

    Anyway, how about giving them some magic wand where you will have to click on to make music, and where certain tunes can make certain things on certain objects happen? Like, dye or bleach certain fabrics (although dyeing will most probably just result in ugly green instead of the color you want).

    I already have a sort of name for it.

    Looming dangers.

    Or something similar.
  • edited November 2008
    Ideas off the top of my head.

    I'd like a Halloween special. Imagine the chaos of Sam & Max terrifying the town in costume. Sam could be the Joker (cuz of his gigantoid gun) or Dick Tracey, Max could be anything (for some reason, all the concepts I have are Alice in Wonderland characters: Hatter, Queen, White Rabbit, Cheshire). Toss in a neighborhood murder mystery &/or a haunted mansion.

    Surveys show that gamers have weaknesses for zombies, pirates, & ninjas. Zombies have already been done, so why not pirates? I got to captain a ship of zombie pirates in Pirates of the Sword Coast & it was the coolest thing ever, plus Sam & Max would make great pirates.

    A single episode to lure in fantasy RPG players. Sam & Max have done sci-fi in MBB & R2.0, so why not fantasy? Max would be as equally terrifying with magic as Lina Inverse, blowing up the town with spells he made-up or was told not to use. Sam could swing around a gigantic sword, clumsily breaking things it bumps into durring interogations.

    Last one off the top I can think of is Sam & Max getting framed & trying to clear their names while running from the cops. It seems like a situation they would easily fall into, being irresponsible antihero vigilantes & all.

    In addition, make more of the environment interactable, even if it's just comments on some clicked-on object, variable comments at that. Also, the bad-driving segments are always appriciated.
  • edited November 2008
    Honestly I would like to see either of them get layed. You know, I don't want to LITERALLY see it, but at least here that it happened. That & I wanna find out what's up with that jack-ass Superball
  • edited November 2008
    @LikaLaruku: Why not ninja zombie-pirates?
  • edited November 2008
    Any of their relatives in the series would be nice.
  • edited November 2008
    Any of their relatives in the series would be nice.
    I agree.
  • edited November 2008
    Sam and Max get shrunk in their office and got in trouble with the insect residence.

    Sam and Max got frozen and they went to the future where the world is divided into two: Sam worshipers and Max worshipers.

    Sam and Max gets cloned into several imperfect Sam and Max versions.

    Sam and Max got framed and must escape a hi-tech jail in space.

    The possibilities are endless and expensive.
  • edited December 2008
    How about Max is really Sam's dad? As for the merch optional bonus pack as seen for the dvd release of season1 and 2, how about a miniture and fake copy of playbunny.LOL j/k
  • edited December 2008
    I hear that. Put er there pal!:D:D
  • edited December 2008
    But continuing with the discussion, since seeing The Dark Knight, I've wanted Sam to pick up the phone and say "Hello, Commissioner. Why so serious?"
  • edited December 2008
    The*#@$! Poppers Shound Come Back Like They Sayed In Season 2 Episode 5
  • edited December 2008
    I'd like to see a rivalry between sam and max, then you play the game in max/sam sections!
    But only for an episode tho. I'd hate to see the Freelance Police break up
  • edited December 2008
    Dash383535 wrote: »
    The*#@$! Poppers Shound Come Back Like They Sayed In Season 2 Episode 5
    I don't think they were expecting to have lava dumped onto them when they said that. Although, they are in Hell, so I guess they ended up there after they died.

    And from an out of universe perspective, the Soda Poppers are so unpopular that I doubt they're coming back in any serious way.
  • edited December 2008
    Sam & Max would make great pirates.

    Amen to that!
    Lachlan_is wrote: »
    I'd like to see a rivalry between sam and max, then you play the game in max/sam sections!
    But only for an episode tho. I'd hate to see the Freelance Police break up
    For some reason, I enjoyed their occasional rivalry in the animated series. I would love to see this more in the game series. I think I'd like to see one of those "Freaky Friday" things where they have a huge fight and then switch bodies, only to irritate the heck out of each other, and then learn more about each other at the same time.
    I know they were switched in Night of the Raving Dead, despite the fact that I haven't played all of it, but I love switcheroos!
    I'd also love to be able to play Max for a change. And he needs to be more important to the storyline! It seems like Sam does all the work, and Max is of little or no importance in most of the episodes!
  • edited December 2008
    You know, S&M Season 1 was based on crazy social conspiracy theories, while Season 2 focuses on the paranormal. I was thinking that the major topic/theme for Season 3 would be about a battle against terrorists, or mutant creatures.
  • edited December 2008
    BRING BACK THE BABY-MAKER! I wanna see Sybil & Abe's mutant off-spring!

    Also something with Bosco involving radioactivity.

    Three headed Soda-Poppers beast.

  • edited December 2008
    That third one is pretty impossible - they took a lava shower, and Peepers' eyes were seen floating away.
  • edited December 2008
    I'd love to see more songs, Season 1 had heaps more than Season 2!
  • edited December 2008
    I dunno, much as I liked the songs, it'd end up being a bit too formulaic if they appeared in pretty much every other episode.
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