The Top 5 Things "Wrong" With In Harm's Way.

A lot of us have really enjoyed Episode Three. The writing is still top notch, the new characters were awesome, and it's probably the most harrowing episode they've done. Even more than Starved For Help. But, like with A House Divided, there are many people who just don't like it (or dare I say HATE it) because of all the little things.

Now I get that there are some people who enjoyed this episode but are still mildly disappointed with this episode because of the little things. And they didn't let those little things ruin their experience. If you are one of these people, I completely 100% respect your point of view and I respect your opinion...

HOWEVER, I have a problem with people who are genuinely upset and pissed off with this episode (and Telltale) because of those little things not being in there. And from what it sounds like, they have NOTHING good to say about it because they're way too focused on the small negatives. So, here are the Top 5 complaints that many people have with this episode.

--5. Carver's Demise--

Carver was a fucking psychopath. I will admit that he was an intelligent man, but that just made him all the more threatening. I started to really hate him after he killed Walter and Alvin. In this episode, he was much much worse. He had absolutely no qualms in making children suffer, he killed the most optimistic guy in the whole game, and he nearly beat Kenny to death. After all of that, it was so satisfying to Kenny beat him like a fucking piñata up to the point where there was no face. So, why exactly are people upset by this?

Some have suggested that Carver could've had potential for being the main villain in Season Two. Come on. Really? Does The Walking Dead really need a long-lasting villain? What about the walkers or some of the other bad people out there? Yeah the show had the Governor and the Comics had Negan. But here's the thing about the two:

I thought the show did a better job with the Governor's character than the comics. The only problem was that overstayed his presence. The mid-season finale in Season 4 should have been the season finale in Season 3.

With Negan it makes more sense to have him much longer, because the whole story played out like a turf war. Rick had his community and Negan had his.

Clementine's group were PRISONERS. They were all forced to do hard labour against their will, so I don't really blame them for wanting to leave ASAFP. And again, he deserved to die! Seriously, did you see the shit that he did? I'm glad he's dead! It's one less sick fuck that Clementine has to worry about.

--4. 400 Days Cameos--

Now I admit, I didn't particularly like 400 Days that much when I first played it. I don't know why it just didn't seem that great to me. But it's one of those things where the more you think about it, the better it gets. I've always called it the Pulp Fiction of Telltale Games. So naturally, I was happy to see some of them in this episode, even though their presence was very brief.

Was I mildly disappointed? Sure. Until I came to my senses. How come I was disappointed that I couldn't talk with the 400 crew and yet Clementine wasn't? BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T KNOW THEM. Most of them have been given a guard position, so Clementine saw those people as a threat. Bonnie is an exception because Clementine had some interaction with her at Walter's lodge so it made sense for the two to have a conversation. How random would it be if you can just walk up to people and talk to them in a place led by a crazy murderer?

Even if we could talk to them, what exactly were you expecting to hear them say? How they came to Carver's community? We already know that! Or at least the people who played 400 Days did.

Another important thing to remember is Season Two isn't about them, it's about Clementine.

--3. HUBS--

Telltale is never going to hear the end of this. "F**k you, Telltale! Give me my goddamn hubs!" "You're getting lazy!"


Consider the plot. You've been taken to a building against your will where your forced to work tirelessly. The new people you meet seemed uninterested in your group except for the always optimistic Reggie. Through out the day, you're bouncing around between different chores while Troy is there to make your day as shitty as possible. So now everyone decides it's time to break out...........When would it have been the appropriate time to talk to people?

Let me make this clear and say that I'm NOT anti-hubs. I enjoy them when they work with the story. In Season One, most of them worked because of the situation at hand.

- Getting the pills for Larry
- Distributing the food rations
- Looking for the stolen meds
- Getting the train started

When they take way too long to get the point and proceed with the plot, they just seem very redundant and put the whole story to a halt. I've said this before, and I'll say it again. Talking to people can flesh out character development, but it isn't the direct source of it. It's what the characters do that makes them who they are.

By the way, let's talk about this argument that we NEED hubs so we can slow down and relax. Why, in the Holy mother of God, are you playing a game if you want a moment to relax? That's what the waiting in between episodes are for.

--2. Pierre Shorette's Writing--

Poor Pierre. He's received nothing but praise for his writing contribution to The Wolf Among Us, and yet so many people are hating him for "ruining" this episode. I always love it when people say this thing or this person sucks at what they do, but they don't make any points to dispute anything. I get that you're entitled to your own opinion, but it's like me saying, "Whitney Houston is a shit singer, and it's my opinion." If I don't explain why I hate her, I just look like an idiot.

Seriously, people have claimed that there are inconsistencies and plot holes in this episode. Where?! I don't fucking see them! Nick and Luke not saying anything to each other? They did! Even if they didn't, how does it effect the story in anyway? How can you say that Pierre Shorette is a shit writer and not have any logical points to back it up?

--1. 90 Minutes Of Gameplay--

...Really? Do you really think that this episode is a piece of shit simply because you didn't get your 30 minutes? And 30 minutes of what? Pointless conversations that don't work with the situation? Characters telling you they feel scared? Do you really want the writers to spoon-feed you what the characters are thinking?

The length of anything (a Telltale Games episode, or a movie , or a TV show) can't be TOO long for the sake of the consumers getting the most out of their money. If that were the case, we'd be stuck with boring mediums after boring mediums.

This is why I always favour No Time Left to Starved For Help. At least No Time Left gave us an engaging, flowing narrative. And it's the shortest out of all of Season One. Starved For Help was good but it took way too fucking long to get to the dinner scene.

So yeah, like I said I respect the people who enjoyed this episode but were slightly disappointed by some things. I get that. Nothing's perfect. But to the people who just hate it, I can't say the same. Maybe you should be more optimistic, like Reggie.


  • i thought it was a good episode but when kenny cuts his hands free in the truck he just stands talking instead of helping everyone i thought it was stupid its not exactly game changing but it annoyed me
  • lol when I was playing, there was a little glitch.

    when clem gets the walkies and tivia comes running begins clem, while tivia was running she was running side ways. XD
  • Welp, being optimistic certainly didn't help Reggie...
    In all honesty though, I agree with your points. I personally enjoyed the episode, but I can understand certain aspects being criticized.
  • yeah man you are right
  • The only thing I had a problem with this episode is Sarah, but that didn't stop me from loving the fuck out of this episode.
  • I am glad I am not the only one... I am sure TellTale is not "taking our money" like others think.
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