Season 1 Recap Fan-Rescore

edited May 2014 in The Walking Dead
Hey guys, just wanted to share something I made today. I've rescored scenes in The Walking Dead for fun a couple of times in the past, but I've never shared them before.

(remove the brackets).

For those wondering how I did this; I went into the options menu for Season 2, turned off the music, recorded the opening with Fraps and added an alternate soundtrack to the scene (from Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep). I also edited out a couple of frames where the characters twitch or the frames pause, which ultimately just made the transitions a little smoother.

I also want to add that I'm not trying to discredit the quality of the original audio. On the contrary, it's because the scene was scored so well that I felt inspired to try something like this. This was made entirely for fun, I wasn't even really intending to share it initially.

Let me know what you guys think! Was the soundtrack fitting? I figured it worked as it seemed more emotional in general, rather than specifically happy or sad (which is exactly what the original music in this scene accomplished).

Also, let me know if you wanna see any of the other rescores I've created.
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