Sam & Max are old!

edited November 2008 in Sam & Max
I just did the math while watching Chariot of the Dogs & Sam y Max are estimated to at least be in their 40s. Man, Max doesn't even look a day over 12 for Satan's sake!


  • edited November 2008
    I noticed that too, but I'm pretty sure I remember Sam and Max in 1980 being described as preteens, so in 2008, their age range should be about 36-41. They seemed a bit older than nine, but that's my lower limit.

    Max would have to be over 35 to be able to be elected president, anyway.

    But if you consider the webcomic to be in the same continuity as the games, then they spent about ten years buried alive and are actually younger than they seem. I like that theory. It explains why it took them so long to get a new case that Max thinks that the local lawbreakers must miss their esoteric brand of personalised criminal justice. Early 30s is how old I think they are, too.

    Also, in the comics there's a panel captioned "Try this! Swap yearbooks with someone roughly your own age and take a look-- They're all the same people!" The picture shows Max reading a yearbook dated 1977, and Sam reading a yearbook dated 1976. So their birthdates were pushed forwards almost a decade for the games. I'm glad they're not that young in the comics; they'd be too young to buy beer in Monkeys Violating The Heavenly Temple, which is significant because Sam mentions Fizzball.

    Max doesn't seem to visibly age at all. Just look at old Max in Chariots of the Dogs. Don't look at the cartoon episode the Dysfunction of the Gods. (Covers it with one hand) It tells dirty lies.

    (Note: Those last two sentences were a joke)
  • edited November 2008
    Actually, Sam & Max are the same ages they've always been, they just age in the games.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2008
    The cartoons have referenced Max having a fairly short lifespan (I think eight years). It might be mentioned in one of the games too, I think I remember a conversation about it in Sybil's during Season One. There's a paradox for you!
  • edited November 2008
    Don't you mean time paradox?
  • edited November 2008
    Bosco is like, only a few years older then them. Honestly I just never thought of Max as in his 40s before, & that whole ten year lapse puts in a technicality that I'm a tad confused if I am actually to consider! And considering the nut I am, I DO! TIPPER GORE! How old does Sybil look? Probably early 30s I'd say.
  • edited November 2008
    I figure Max keeps getting reborn (a la Bad Day on the Moon) due to general recklessness, havoc and inappropriate behavior. That's why he never seems to age (as seen in 204) while Sam seems to be in the 'older brother' age range by comparison. Max will probably have his own deus ex machina device/chamber full of clones by 2028 and so he will never perish. Or their own paradox machine given the ending for 204...
  • edited November 2008
    I wouldn't be surprised if the preservatives in all that junk food they eat has anything to do with how they look and their actual ages.
  • edited November 2008

    Can they regenerate? This would also explain the subtle change in appearance and voices over the years...
  • edited November 2008
    Sam and Max are now timelords? awesome.
  • edited November 2008
    Sam and Max are now timelords? awesome.

    yeah we know that from 204
    timelords of 8 or some time periods
  • edited November 2008
    Max is a timelord... in Chariots of the Dogs, we discover Sam is clearly a Kaled
  • edited November 2008
    Shwoo wrote: »
    Max would have to be over 35 to be able to be elected president, anyway.

    Wasn't that in the constitution? The same one was abolished for our rights?
  • edited November 2008
    Sam & Max are ageless, like the hot weenies at Bosco's. I don't think they age at all, except when it's convient. :D
    But as for a technical explanation, well with all the time paradoxes they've created maybe they have irrepairably shunted themselves outside the regular time space continuum and are now the Dave Bowmans of the animated world.
  • edited November 2008
    Zootch wrote: »
    Max is a timelord... in Chariots of the Dogs, we discover Sam is clearly a Kaled
    He probably just picked that wheelchair up at a second hand shop on Skaro. Why he was on Skaro is a different question.
  • edited November 2008
    Col_Shaggy wrote: »
    Sam & Max are ageless, like the hot weenies at Bosco's. I don't think they age at all, except when it's convient. :D
    But as for a technical explanation, well with all the time paradoxes they've created maybe they have irrepairably shunted themselves outside the regular time space continuum and are now the Dave Bowmans of the animated world.
    They are NOT ageless!
  • edited November 2008
    They are NOT ageless!

    I think that depends on Purcell XD
  • edited November 2008
    The Gods' powers over aging is different than the actual world! That episode doesn't count to their actual ageyness! :P
  • edited November 2008
    Col_Shaggy wrote: »
    I don't think they age at all, except when it's convient. :DQUOTE]

    Ah, my subtle reference gets lost. :(

    When I say ageless I mean like Mickey Mouse, Scooby Doo, or Keith Richards. They don't get old, they just evolve by the hands that render them. If a story needs them to be old they can be old, if it needs them to be young they can be young. Playing fast and loose with the laws of space and time is what Sam and Max are known for, that and a ludicrous penchant for violence and mayhem, if they weren't you never would have left the Worlds Largest Ball of Twine in HtR.
  • edited November 2008
    I thought all private eyes are 40 years old. Like, they're born 40 years old, never have any parents and never get older than 40 and always hit on women who are between 18-29 years in age, but never actually have any kind of a physical relationship with said women, even though the women always inexplicably reciprocate. And they only fall in love with women who double-cross and/or try to kill them. Max is actually quite astute in not liking girls when you think about it.
  • edited November 2008
    Yeah that is weird. And they all have to have some horrible demons in their past, & by my count Sam & Max had a count 13 demons including Satan so their pretty much good! Really though, what does Max do, I mean he looks great for his age!
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