Why are they okay with this? (EP3 Spoilers)

Shel and Becca ran away from Roman's camp because he was about to kill a member of his own group and because they didn't like how restrictive and authoritarian he was becoming. But now they're with Carver, who's killed *several* members of his own group and is infinitely more restrictive and authoritarian than Roman ever was...and they're just rolling with it? What the fuck?

Same with Russell. He left Steve and Nate's groups because they were willing to murder defenseless people to get their way. Now he's fully committed to being one of Carver's lackeys?

I suppose an additional year in the apocalypse may have changed their perspective on things, but it's still surprising to see these characters accepting life under the kind of leadership that they so adamantly opposed before.


  • Not to mention Wyatt apparently just gave up on looking for Eddie, I guess.
  • 16 months can do a lot of shit to you in this world.

    Maybe they had no choice. Join the crew or be killed. I wouldn't blame them.
  • That's actually a very good point. They were probably too scared to say/do anything.
  • edited May 2014
    Maybe they didn't know about the more dark aspects of Carver just like Bonnie. She acted geniounly surprised when told that Carver killed Reggie and later said Carver wasn't the man she thought he was. Maybe it's the same for most of the others. Maybe the geniounly have a totally different Carver in their head as well.
  • Yeah, I think that they were too afraid to leave. Also, I read on the wiki that there is a possibility that they escaped during the ending., which, considering that they are not shown up on the roof with Tavia, seems possible.
  • This is why I feel like the 400 days cameo was very forced from everyone except Bonnie..
  • The 400 Days cameos were horrendously forced. I am a huge fan of Wyatt, and I really liked Shel, Becca, Vince, and Russel, too. But wow, those were some of the worst, most useless cameos I've ever seen. I would have rather not seen those characters return at all. I mean these are great characters with interesting personalities, all of whom were playable protagonists, no less.

    Great characters reduced to the bland dialog of an unnamed extra. Seriously, Wyatt deserved much better than "Dude, Carver wants to see you." What a waste. Especially insulting when you realize that they're all likely dead because of the walker attack on the store. Really makes me feel bad for Becca.

    Still, I do think Bonnie was decently written in Episode 3, so I'm happy with that. I don't think we spent enough time with her, but I still liked her role.
  • What happens to those characters if in 400 days they all decided to not go with Tavia?
  • Carver probably brainwashed them to think that the camp and everything he does is a good way to deal with everything.
  • Well look what happened when Luke, Carlos, Rebecca + co tried to run away.
  • I was wondering the same thing, an explanation would have made an interesting way to get more dialogue out of them but nooooo all we get are crappy one liners. >:/ Hopefully they didn't all just die once Clem's group left. If that's the last we see of them I will be very sad.
  • edited May 2014
    i'd be more willing to think they wrote themselves into a hole carvers group is more like what the 400 days cast would be more likely to join if the DIDN'T go with tavia, but they already made bonnie show up. so the options were to either have 'em appear anyway, or try to come up with a reason why bonnie is the only 1 that stuck around. since the 2nd would feel like a cop out, all that could be done is have 'em be there, and the likely way that they (TTG) figured to explain why is when bonnie says things weren't always like this, and then they keep tellin us that safe with carver is better than free with zombies.
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