What if Danny St. John found Clem instead of Lee?

edited May 2014 in The Walking Dead
She'd probably be raised a cannibal.


  • edited May 2014
    Oh god I thought you meant the child molester guy in 400 Days.

    Not that Danny St. John is preferable, but...
  • She'd probably be raped and eaten.
  • Oh not the prisoner.

    Oh god I thought you meant the child molester guy in 400 Days. Not that Danny St. John is preferable, but...

  • He would eat her liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.
  • Danny and Danny aren't so different.. They both molest..

    Danny: Can I chose which one to keep alive?

    Andy: Not the kids....

    Pretty much confirms Danny was a freak.
  • Clanny.
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