Create your own scene

edited May 2014 in The Walking Dead
If you had control over one scene/hub in season 2, what would you have happen? What characters would be in it?

For example, I would want a scene where the group is just crashing after something intense happens. They're all just collapsed out of exhaustion and lost in their own thoughts until one of them randomly starts talking about something silly that happened in their past, as people are wont to do when they don't want to focus on something bad going on. Like Luke just laughs and says "for some reason, this reminds me of that time Nick and I had to hide from a group of school bullies...."

Then everyone joins in sharing little tidbits of their past and Clementine can share her own stories, maybe about petting a pregnant cow or putting a bug on Duck's pillow or something about Lee. Just a little way to have the characters share a little something about themselves and let us get to know them.

What kind of scene would you want if you could add anything?


  • I want a scene where The Cabin survivors learn more about Lee. Clementine, Kenny, Lilly, Molly, tell their experiences with Lee.
  • Yeah I kind of want a big "let me tell you about Lee" scene. The conversation with Luke kind of touches on it but I just want EVERYONE to know about how awesome Lee was. And Kenny can chime in and change his tone based on how he got along with Lee and it would just be cool.
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I want a scene where The Cabin survivors learn more about Lee. Clementine, Kenny, Lilly, Molly, tell their experiences with Lee.

  • I just want conversations that you can initiate again, like in season 1. Like you can walk up to a character and pick the topic and then leave if you get bored with it. There haven't been really any instances of this in season 2, and it's a pretty big part of connecting to the characters and giving them development.
  • I kind of want a scene where everyone talks about what they want out of life. Maybe their goals and ambitions pre- and post-apocalypse. It could be around a campfire or just separate little tidbits, I think it'd be nice.
  • I would like Clem to make another drawing, then have Sarah ask her about it. Emotions, emotions, and then Sarah can console Clem for once.
  • edited May 2014
    I dunno. I'd make a scene that's just...uh, Clementine being Clementine again.

    Maybe something after everyone is probably inevitably dead, where Clem sits down at a desk and makes another drawing, (probably for the first time in forever) only this time, we get to choose what she draws. Such options like [Draw Ed and Diana], [Draw Lee], [Draw Kenny], [Draw Christa and Omid], [Draw Luke], [Draw Duck] etc. She can only fit a few onto the paper though, so choose, uh, 'wisely.'

    I just feel like season 2 has been missing little moments.
  • Why do I get the feeling that this would be one of the hardest choices in the game? Haha. I can't even choose now! If you could only pick three of them, for example.

    I dunno. I'd make a scene that's just...uh, Clementine being Clementine again. Maybe something after everyone is probably inevitably d

  • I'd like somewhere like this
    Probably on the civil war site. Where Clementine and Kenny can talk how Lee and Omid liked history. And then Rebecca saying Alvin was into it too and so on. Pretty much a scene with backstory of characters (And more Nick lines too.)
  • I know, right. I'd, uh...draw her parents of course. And Lee. And then...Christa and Omid? Nah, Duck was her friend. Him. Nah, but...Kenny looked after her for a while. Luke was her friend too, though. BUT SO WAS SARAH. But...but...

    lol I don't know what I'd do either.
    Rynna posted: »

    Why do I get the feeling that this would be one of the hardest choices in the game? Haha. I can't even choose now! If you could only pick three of them, for example.

  • I'd like a scene where Clem finds Sarah huddled up in some room and tries to comfort her and Sarah ask how Clem is so tough and how she just can just see things and move on so Clem tells Sarah how she used to be when the ZA started and how she was in Season 1. It would be nice if Clem reflected on everything that happened in Season 1 and how it changed her from a sweet naive little girl to the badass survivor she is now
  • I agree! Especially if she's comforting Sarah and trying to teach her and there are dialogue options that parrot things Lee has said to Clementine in the past. I might just start tearing up, then.
    USMC1786 posted: »

    I'd like a scene where Clem finds Sarah huddled up in some room and tries to comfort her and Sarah ask how Clem is so tough and how she just

  • I feel like thing are going to (and should) eventually reach a boiling point with Kenny, since there's definitely tension building up. Clementine could choose different options, like calling the cabin group out for involving Clem in their fight and intentionally keeping information from her. She could also yell at Kenny for bullying Lee into seeing things his way or showering him in abuse if he didn't support him, saying something along the lines of "You can't boss me around like Lee!" Or she could try to mediate and cause both sides to become angry with her.
  • Shirtless scene of Luke or nick. :)
  • edited May 2014
  • Ah, Vivec.

  • I'd just like to hear a little backstory of the remaining characters. Considering we're not sure if Rebecca will survive the birth, I see a heartfelt Rebecca-Clementine conversation next episode (before she dies? Or perhaps when she starts getting contractions).

    I loved that last conversation we could have with Pete before he dies where he tells Clem 'I don't want to die'. Deaths that happen just like that (like Carlos' and Walter's) are shocking and create an impact, but I've always liked the ones where it culminates in some genuine and heart wrenching talk.
  • I also kind of want a scene with Luke singing. Because his voice actor can sing and I always love when voice actors who are singers sing at some point in their games.
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