Dangeresque 3 Metal Detec-tor bug

edited November 2008 in Game Support
Hiya Telltale,

I've just found a bug in the PC version of Dangeresque 3, it's a bit hard to find, I'll try to describe it but apologies if the directions aren't up to snuff.
  1. Go to "Ireland".
  2. Pull out the metal detector and start using it.
  3. Walk to the far right hand side of Ireland, in the bottom-right of the bit you can walk on the cursor will turn to a triangle. Edit: After looking a little more, I've also noticed it does this elsewhere in Ireland, if you click around Strong Bad's feet, didn't seem to do this before I found it for the first time though.
  4. Click. Strong Bad will put away the metal detector, then pull it out again and just carry it around while he walks, it looks as if he's digging at the ground with it.
  5. Click the metal detector in the inventory and it'll go away, it can be pulled back out as normal and has no noticeable effect afterwards.

Thanks for putting out some seriously awesome games, both series of Sam & Max as well as SBCGFAP have had me totally hooked. Really looking forward to the Series Trog-finale! :)
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