Nick's Watch

edited May 2014 in The Walking Dead
did you grab his watch in the desk drawer from the cabin, and give it to nick?


  • I didn't grab it... but I had a feeling that it's just something that Clem would steal that she really didn't need. Though, I replayed it and grabbed it in another save file, and sure enough, that smirk she has when she grabs the watch tells all.
  • I didn't. I didn't even enter that room. I already had everything I need. No use poking around, I didn't want them to get angry at me.
  • I replayed the first two episodes just to go back and give him the watch, honestly.
  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    I see you found Juicy.
    Spooch posted: »

    I didn't. I didn't even enter that room. I already had everything I need. No use poking around, I didn't want them to get angry at me.

  • I grabbed it, but didn't give it to Nick in A House Divided. I still have it.
  • You thug.
    Rigtail posted: »

    I grabbed it, but didn't give it to Nick in A House Divided. I still have it.

  • I played the first two episodes myself after watching some LPs (I didn't have the money to buy it when it came out), so I already knew I had to grab it. I doubt I would've stolen it without having been spoiled though.
  • Oh yah, I wanted to snatch it because it was so shiny and precious..
  • Completely ignored it in my playthrough actually. It wasn't medical supplies or food, so I wasn't interested.
  • I've still got it on my playthrough even after he talks to you about loosing it, I didn't give it back lol.
  • I think I'm gonna do the same.
    skoothz posted: »

    I replayed the first two episodes just to go back and give him the watch, honestly.

  • What sucks about this is that you leave your backpack at the ski lodge when Carver + co kidnap you, so I don't think the watch can be utilized again. Nick will probably never get it, now.

    You FIEND.
    Rigtail posted: »

    I grabbed it, but didn't give it to Nick in A House Divided. I still have it.

  • edited May 2014
    I'm in the middle of two playthrough's right now. In my first one, I didn't have Clem steal it. In the second, I ended up stealing it and giving it to Nick.

    I just want to point out that besides Nick thanking you in one scene, there is literally nothing that changes. Nick's dialogue is the same no matter what you do and having Clem give him the watch has no discernible impact on his character at all.

    For all intents and purposes, this "decision" is pretty much all fluff.
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