Bad Brain asking for help



  • edited January 2005
    im talking about the "new comic" steve pucell never the collected sam and max..the last page has a drawing done by steve of sam and his new partner..

    You're going to think that I'm ABSOLUTELY, CERTIFIABLY, BEYOND ALL HOPE


    but... uh, I actually have the Collected Sam & Max, but I have not actually read it yet. Not the whole thing, that is. And I've had it for over almost two years. I've read the back part (with the color comics from LEC, and I also do remember seeing a nifty picture of Sam with a monkey!

    I think I was trying to save it for a rainy day. You know, like Jan. 28th. :D My lack of preparedness shames me...
  • edited January 2005
    Eliquently put.
  • edited January 2005
    Hey bad brain changed there web adress?

    And look at this, It's kierdorfs personel website,(in german).
  • edited January 2005
    - Bad Brain is better than TellTale
    - No TellTale is better than Bad Brain
    - Well Bad Brain is making A Vampyre Story
    - TellTale made Sam n Max 2
    - Steve give the rights to BBE
    - No Steve give the rights to TTG


    but whats below is interesting ;)

    Bad Brain is an investor/publisher and Tell Tale Games is a developer. If Bad Brain were to get the rights from Steve Purcell, there's no indication that they would not contact Tell Tale Games for its development. Taken from the interview with Wolfgang in The Inventory 20:

    T.I.: If you managed to acquire the title from Lucasarts would you try to hire the developers that had worked on the game until the point it was cancelled or would you hand it over to AME instead so that they can finish the game's development themselves?
    W.K.: We would try to have the old team finish it. We are in contact ...
  • edited January 2005
    BBE is also a developer. Note Quizzoid, Orgastic 4, I-Jet are all in-house developments.

    When that interview first surfaced, I thik I recall Telltale saying that never heard of/from BBE. So assuming because Kierdorf mentions in an interview he's in contact with the original developers, doesn't necessarly mean he would have given the code to Telltale to finish.

    Anyway, at this point it hardly matters, does it? That code is dead and buried for good.
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