Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • He must of had to much to eat.

    Kenny is just sleeping.

  • There was too much salt on his plate. He needed to lay down.

    He must of had to much to eat.

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    Kudos for using the phrase "sodding"

  • edited December 2014

    In 205, when you pull off Kenny’s bandages, and choose the option [I’m glad Carvers dead], Kenny will say “We saw to that, didn't we?” and Clementine will shake her head yes while smiling, if you chose to watch. If you didn't choose to watch, Kenny will say “I got even with him.”

    In 103, if you chose to save Carley and talk to her on the balcony, if you choose “I think about you too” and agree to tell people about your past she will say “Don't call me small.” If you choose to stay silent and still agree to tell people, she will say “You're gonna have to be more talkative if this is gonna work.”

  • In Episode 5, when sitting around the campfire, you see a bunch of signs that say, "Danger," and "Warning," and "Danger of death," around where Luke and Bonnie are sitting. This foreshadows Luke's and determinant Bonnie's death on the lake.

  • ...Don't do that.

    For the love of god, i would just kill myself, because i would never have to see anything in my life again...

  • In my playthrough she said something different but I can't remember what. It wasn't "Don't call me small" or "You're gonna have to be more talkative if this is gonna work”

    In 205, when you pull off Kenny’s bandages, and choose the option [I’m glad Carvers dead], Kenny will say “We saw to that, didn't we?” and C

  • "I really need a piss uuuuughh"

    ClemRanger posted: »

    The 2nd pic is a great Clem Face.

  • I know I posted this in the past, but I noticed this additional part a little while after I posted, but didn't find the time to post it here until now.

    In S2E5, if you went to help Luke, Clem's last words to him are "It's gonna be all right." and additionally his last words to her are, "Just go back... please." And what's the title of the episode? That's right. No Going Back.

  • Anddd now even the campfire scene is depressing, thanks for that... :P

    In Episode 5, when sitting around the campfire, you see a bunch of signs that say, "Danger," and "Warning," and "Danger of death," around where Luke and Bonnie are sitting. This foreshadows Luke's and determinant Bonnie's death on the lake.

  • You're welcome.

    Kateis posted: »

    Anddd now even the campfire scene is depressing, thanks for that... :P

  • if u don't break ice bonnie dies

  • “You'll thank me later”

    FetchWalker posted: »

    In my playthrough she said something different but I can't remember what. It wasn't "Don't call me small" or "You're gonna have to be more talkative if this is gonna work”

  • if u break da ice bonnie livs

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited December 2014

    If you stare at the ice long enough, the ice will STILL BE THERE!!!

    it's shocking i know

  • I knew this thread would go nuts sooner or later.

  • Luke is an angel and he didn't die but flew away to a place where he was needed.

  • He went to an alternate dimension, where everyone in the cabin group survived except for luke

    Luke is an angel and he didn't die but flew away to a place where he was needed.

  • In that dimension Luke died while killing Carver during the escape...This Luke replaced him.

    Deltino posted: »

    He went to an alternate dimension, where everyone in the cabin group survived except for luke

  • He went back in time, grow a beard and died squashed by a horse.

    Luke is an angel and he didn't die but flew away to a place where he was needed.

  • We see from Luke's point of view twice.

    In episode 1,
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    And In episode 5.
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    Also I don't know if this has already been said but Jane's knife magically changes to Matthew's knife in episode 5 (I blame the Russians).
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  • :P

    Nope, he actually did that to escape Cluke shippers.

    fallandir posted: »

    He went back in time, grow a beard and died squashed by a horse.

  • Blame all the Russians!

    Kateis posted: »

    We see from Luke's point of view twice. In episode 1, And In episode 5. Also I don't know if this has already been said but Jane's knife magically changes to Matthew's knife in episode 5 (I blame the Russians).

  • if u brek ice rebecca levs.

  • Yeah I think that was it. :D

    “You'll thank me later”

  • "Finally," somebody says at Telltale, weeping tears of joy down their cheeks. "One of them finally noticed..."

    In Episode 5, when sitting around the campfire, you see a bunch of signs that say, "Danger," and "Warning," and "Danger of death," around where Luke and Bonnie are sitting. This foreshadows Luke's and determinant Bonnie's death on the lake.

  • If u foll in ice clem is almost kill

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    this is how kenny survived in s1 XD

  • It changes to Matthew's knife?!? Why that knfie? They don't even have that on them! o__o

    Kateis posted: »

    We see from Luke's point of view twice. In episode 1, And In episode 5. Also I don't know if this has already been said but Jane's knife magically changes to Matthew's knife in episode 5 (I blame the Russians).

  • if u dunt shoot kunny jan dies

  • We must all thank Gaming Sins for the realization, that was some great subtle foreshadowing on Telltale's part. That's one of the reasons why I like Breckon's style of writing, his episodes have a lot of foreshadowing and symbolism in them.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    "Finally," somebody says at Telltale, weeping tears of joy down their cheeks. "One of them finally noticed..."

  • I don't know. Telltale must have gotten confused with the two knife's somehow, (maybe they were drunk). Or Jane just has a few knifes so when one gets blood on it she changes it. :P

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    It changes to Matthew's knife?!? Why that knfie? They don't even have that on them! o__o

  • Really late, but a huge FUCK YES to the last point there;

    The Cabin Group seemed to have been intended to be more morally ambiguous and have a greater impact on the story. Carver hints about this. Of course, this is lost in the later episodes as the writers shove much of the earlier narratives aside for Kenny in Ep. 3.

    Not gonna lie, after the trailer for 'A House Divided', I was like, these people, are they murderers? Cannibals? Thieves? Kidnappers?

    My question to Telltale is, WHY did you not dedicate a team of writers and directors who KNEW what the overall aim was? To me it seems with each new writer and director, they put their own little spice in the episode, nothing seemed properly planned or premeditated. Many loose ends were loosely tied. Yes, they made it dramatic af but it lacked the tapestry of season one.

    Please don't do that for season three. Have an aim. Season one did, Lee's redemption. Any hints dropped about what may happen did happen. Do that shit again. Don't bring up someone from the dead like THERE, WE SAVED HIM, GIVE US GAME OF THE YEAR NOW. Cause you won't get it, and that's what happened this year.

    Okay, I'm done :P

    torkahn808 posted: »

    Fact: Lee's back pocket is incredible. He can fit a variety of items including but not limited to: A blowtorch, a monkey wrench, Hilda, Clem

  • if u droop ben he ded.

  • Using the wrong models for things is actually a pretty common developer oversight

    Happens numerous times in many different games, especially when it's small objects like knives and holstered weapons and what such

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    It changes to Matthew's knife?!? Why that knfie? They don't even have that on them! o__o

  • If u saiv Carlee in Sees Wun she kill buy Lillee

  • Save the thread !

    Larry's voice actor is the same as the Butcher in Wolf Among Us and Larry died in the meat locker !

    Coincidence? I think not !

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    Poogers555 posted: »

    Save the thread ! Larry's voice actor is the same as the Butcher in Wolf Among Us and Larry died in the meat locker ! Coincidence? I think not !

  • Thank you for getting this thread back on track.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Save the thread ! Larry's voice actor is the same as the Butcher in Wolf Among Us and Larry died in the meat locker ! Coincidence? I think not !

  • Fire in this series represents hope. Amid The Ruins, the most miserable episode as far as I'm concerned, had AJ's birth accompanied by the slow onset of snow.

    In No Going Back, we see fire three times. In the first two (at the power station and Arvo's house), poor Arvo is deprived of warmth - a metaphor for how hopeless his situation is. The third instance of fire is implicit in the scenario where you reach Wellington - a smoke pile can be seen from inside the compound, implying a fire of some sorts with the hope that entails within the community.

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