Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • In season 1 episode 1 in the very beginning when you have to shoot the cop you can actually miss the shot Lee will say something like "no no get away from me!" Then die. Also, in the same episode when getting Glenn that walker eating somebody at the motel if you skip it and go to the car and peek out to the left where that zombie is eating something stay out long enough it'll then see you then more walkers come from the woods and surround Lee, Carly, and Glenn killing them all

  • edited August 2014

    Maybe...just maybe. People may have different opinions. Don't belittle peoples jobs because of a difference in opinion.

    "Gaming Journalists" for the most part have somehow failed to detect the noticeable drop in quality between Season 1 of TWD and Season 2. Ep

  • Lies.

    You must be familiar with my post then, friend.

  • Yeah, that's because Chuck had to shine as a hero, heheheh ;x

    In S1 episode 4 when you are shooting walkers to protect Clementine you can't shoot the walker that is on the right of her.

  • For the sake of the plot.

    Crips posted: »

    Yeah, that's because Chuck had to shine as a hero, heheheh ;x

  • Small miss but in S2 Episode 4 if you send Mike to help Kenny after the scene he tell's Kenny to go. But if you didn't tell Mike to help Kenny, Kenny say's Damn.

  • Yeah, they get darker shadows there.

    Lines under the eyes maybe?

  • edited August 2014

    I guess most of you guys know that Carver had "World's Best Boss" mug.

    Just if you want to make sure:

    Alt text

    But there was another one of those classy bastards. Cabin Group hid it pretty good.

    Alt text

    "World's greatest dad". Carlos, admit it, is that yours?

  • No you didn't find that in the files you found it on The Cutting Room Floor.

    Here is Nick Stokes character data I found. Enjoy!

  • No. Clem is already more ruthless than Michelle could ever be. Clem, watched Carvers face smashed in repeatedly, with a cold face and without blinking. Clem would not have freaked out.

    Then again, I highly doubt that Clem would steal from a kid. She was taught better than that. She could be ruthless, but she will also be fair.

    I'd prefer her to become like Carver though.

    Bokor posted: »

    Michelle represents who Clem could be in a few years' time if she takes Jane's advice: a cold, selfish bully. It's interesting that she's the first stranger that Clem sees in Season 2, and the one who killed Omid.

  • [Speaking Russian]

    AhmedAli1 posted: »

    What does Arvo say in Russian when he says "You have already left me defenceless and now y-you take my sister's medicine? You are not nice people! You are _____!"

  • In the first episode you find an anchor in a shed which could be forshadowing Kenny's comeback. (The last shed you've been in had a boat)

  • If you refuse to take Arvo's medicine, when you see him again at the end of the episode, instead of just saying, "You are Clementine." He adds a friendly "yes?" to the end of his sentence as well as sounding less serious.

  • So nobody else finds it strange that professional reviewers have been rating these episodes on a scale of 8-10 even though there have been major problems within Season 2?

    "Gaming Journalists" for the most part have somehow failed to detect the noticeable drop in quality between Season 1 of TWD and Season 2. Ep

  • edited August 2014

    If you try to help Kenny from being beaten Clem will hit with a butt of a gun, giving her a scar. This scar will disappear off Clem's face when you're trying to get into the trailer. And once you get into the trailer it will reappear.

  • Reggie probably gave the best boss to Carver lol

    fallandir posted: »

    I guess most of you guys know that Carver had "World's Best Boss" mug. Just if you want to make sure: But there was another one of

  • edited August 2014

    But it shows up again after. It's probably just a TT's mistake.

    bloop posted: »

    If you try to help Kenny from being beaten Clem will hit with a butt of a gun, giving her a scar. This scar will disappear off Clem's face when you're trying to get into the trailer. And once you get into the trailer it will reappear.

  • I wanted to stay and watch, but Luke already looked at me like I was a monster when I said we should kill him. I didn't want to make a grown man afraid of me.

    TheMPerson posted: »


  • Most episodes were great, but the drop in score in episode 4 was weird especially when 3 got a high score.

    So nobody else finds it strange that professional reviewers have been rating these episodes on a scale of 8-10 even though there have been major problems within Season 2?

  • Well, to be fair, I do think Felix Kjellberg (Pewdiepie) is a good looking guy.

    Nonetheless, I hate his guts.

  • Man, I hate when scars diaper.

    bloop posted: »

    If you try to help Kenny from being beaten Clem will hit with a butt of a gun, giving her a scar. This scar will disappear off Clem's face when you're trying to get into the trailer. And once you get into the trailer it will reappear.

  • Woops I just realized it. I edit it.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Man, I hate when scars diaper.

  • That is so fucking creepy.

  • edited August 2014

    I hate when scars diaper too. Damn it scar! I told you not to mess with my diapy wiapies! xD

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Man, I hate when scars diaper.

  • Plus it turns out Lee was worrying for nothing about Mark, since he got back in the group by the end of episode 2.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Can you blame him? The meal was reMARKable.

  • Yeah, but I've always wondered what's the big deal? Everyone seems to mention it whenever the screen comes up, but I've never gotten the hype. I mean, I get that the apocalypse is shit that happened, but the phrase is so ubiquitous it doesn't feel like an easter egg to me. Is it supposed to be a reference to something specific, like a movie or something?

    nursethalia posted: »

    Check out the bumper sticker on the back of the yellow truck, to the right of the license plate.

  • Telltale: "Everyone! Emergency story meeting right now! Remember how people kept asking 'I wonder what Nick's hair looks like under that cap?' Let's do that again!"


    Pride posted: »

    Awww. Please don't kill these two, Telltale :[

  • That was kinda disturbing.... Good find btw :)

  • Creepy indeed, but I'm glad they scrapped it in favor of the dream in the RV. The audio clips felt gratuitous after the first sentence or so, and bogged down in exposition.

    Still a cool tidbit though.

  • Someone in this thread already tried to look for some symbolism in songs from credits of episodes. I decided to look through the lyrics of them because I wanted to find something in them for myself. And I realized that the lyrics of "Salty seas" have parallels with Kenny's state in Episode 4.

    I'm not saying that

    I felt like you cared

    Kenny blames Clementine for Sarita's death and tells her that she gets everyone killed.

    the falling leaf that never tries

    to hold on to what

    keeps it alive

    Kenny's relationship with Clem goes through its not best period. Clementine is all he has left, but Kenny's temper tries to convince him to forget about it and pull out his rage on her. He's falling, he's broken and he needs to hold on Clem, but he doesn't want it.

    I was so green

    nothing could touch me

    He felt different when he took a beating. It was peaceful. It was like he was floating away. Nothing could touch him.

    I'm not saying that

    this is good or bad

    Even though he wishes that Carver would kill him, he still hesitates and tries to think about it as the baby is near and group needs his help. He doesn't know what to think about how he felt.

    the summer dream behind the eye

    and it's the sleep that makes me alive

    Behind the eye. Bingo! When he met Clementine, he still had two eyes. Kenny had a dream to love on the lodge with Matthew, Walter, Sarita and Clem. This dream brought him back to life after he lost his family. But the loss of an eye could mean the loss of hope. Episode 4 is pretty depressive, considering what state Kenny is in. He breaks again. He lost his dream.

    the sudden ease when you arrive

    and it's you

    that makes me try

    The fallen leaf holds onto what keeps it alive. However angry he is, Kenny needs Clementine. She and the baby are the only things he has left. He can't give up while Clem is still with him.

    Maybe I'm trying to find a hidden sense that doesn't even exists. Maybe I'm a crazy Kenny fan who sees him in every song or other art. But finding parallels between something always brings a wide range of things for imaginary to do. I just wanted to share it with you and hear any thoughts about it.

  • edited August 2014

    Arvo from The Walking Dead and Tim from The Wolf Among Us have the same metal thing on their leg

  • Hey, nice work! I'm sure the song was written to apply to most of the characters in the episode. Wonder what other characters it may be applied to, but I'd have to look up the lyrics first.

    Someone in this thread already tried to look for some symbolism in songs from credits of episodes. I decided to look through the lyrics of t

  • edited August 2014

    Carver: that's realy nice of you Reggie

    Reggie: realy?

    Carver: but that doesn't make it good right from last night I want those girls helping you with your next job I just gave you so don't fuck up understand!?

    Reggie: oke boss

    Carver: great ooh and Reggie

    Reggie: yes?

    Carver: must be a piece of cake for you

    rokon900 posted: »

    Reggie probably gave the best boss to Carver lol

  • That makes me so sad. =( Sniffle...

    Someone in this thread already tried to look for some symbolism in songs from credits of episodes. I decided to look through the lyrics of t

  • Could apply particularly to Jane as well, with her stoic, cold demeanour being a defence for her in the apocalyptic world + with her more human side emerging as she remembers her sister because of Clem

    Bokor posted: »

    Hey, nice work! I'm sure the song was written to apply to most of the characters in the episode. Wonder what other characters it may be applied to, but I'd have to look up the lyrics first.

  • I don't think it's an easter egg, either. I've seen bumper stickers like that before. I was only pointing it out because CocaColin said he didn't get the joke behind the screen shot.

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    Yeah, but I've always wondered what's the big deal? Everyone seems to mention it whenever the screen comes up, but I've never gotten the hyp

  • Long live Kenny my friend! Long live Kenny ;)

    Someone in this thread already tried to look for some symbolism in songs from credits of episodes. I decided to look through the lyrics of t

  • A choice of dialogue in S1E5 foreshadowed some aspects of Season 2, When trapped in the attic, Omid and Christa ask Lee what he wants for Clem after he dies, he has the choice of saying "I want Kenny to take care of her" "I want you two to take care of her" or "I want you to find her a family" all three of these groups appear in season 2, Clem starts with Omid and Christa, then she joins as "family" (The Cabin Group), in fact Clem even mentioned the Cabin group to be a family herself. and you also get to be with Kenny as well

  • Luke is geared to the teeth with an AK-47, a pistol, and a machete.

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