Do you think that Telltale shouldn't depend just in the story?

i know that Telltale's games are story focused but what about if the story fails to be good then what would keep people in the game?.For example a Bioshock game, they have awesome story ,but what if in a future installment the story is complete garbage people would still play it cause the game is fun. But if Telltale fails at the story then what would keep the gamers interested?.This is not a critic by any means.Just something that Telltale should consider.

EDIT:Sorry i think i posted in the wrong section .


  • If they fail story-wise they might have to change their company name.
  • TWD season 3 should be an FPS MMORPG.Lol :P
  • MMOs are the path to the dark side.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    TWD season 3 should be an FPS MMORPG.Lol :P

  • MMOs are good when they are done right

    MMOs are the path to the dark side.

  • Aye, but few get to stave off the darkness from being... *gasp* a WoW clone.
    goodcop2 posted: »

    MMOs are good when they are done right

  • Well, the narratives they craft have become the most recognizable aspect of their products, and I think it is good; few games put such a heavy focus on the story they are trying to tell. Telltale make that work for the most part, and you got to respect that they basically just stand on that most sturdy pillar of "story".

    I do think, however, that they are underestimating the subtle but present effect of narrative elements that their older games had. They still are called Telltale *Games*. Sometimes, giving the player some agency helps with the feel that this is a chapter in a story and a world of which you are a part of, not only a spectator.
  • said this in another topic. telltale is an adventure game company and one of the major parts of an adventure games is the story. just puzzles are there as well but for the most part it's writting that helps the game work. it's like with rpgs if you don't care about the story in a story focus game you would not play it.
  • specially free ones

    MMOs are the path to the dark side.

  • i care about the story is one of my favorite thing from a game is just that they depend so much in story that if a game story and characters fails the whole game wouldnt be nothing
    megamike15 posted: »

    said this in another topic. telltale is an adventure game company and one of the major parts of an adventure games is the story. just puzzle

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