People Responsible For The Spoilers [Link Inside] (Removed)
This discussion has been closed.
nice to see this place does have you throwing blames around now. wonderful. and I was just getting tempted to leave ¬_¬
And by the way, stop trying to make Cluke happen. It isn't going to happen.
so now your reply doesn't make much sense.
I'm wasting my time mentioning this though. so there's that.
and by very dangerous- I mean someone who's just a colossal pain the ass and impossible to put up with.
You've lost the swagger that made you a special troll. You were fun to battle back in December/January. You're just garbage now, sorry.
Well, once more, let's just go through this:
Supporting "Cluke" is supporting pedophile, and on top of that you are awful to just about everyone, and simply a terrible, hateful being. We don't want you here, we really don't. You aren't welcome here, and you'd be doing us all a favor by leaving. Of course, you don't care about us, so let me put it this way: you'd be doing yourself a favor by leaving. Surely it must be tiring being outsmarted and embarrassed by people much more intelligent than you.
As the governor would say.
And good to hear that you don't want to be here. Leave now. Please.